
Thursday, 11 April 2024

Vincent Bruno is very disappointed with Muslims

1:00  Divided and disappointing Muslims

2:00  Muslims are no different to white nationalists.

4:00  Muslims do seem not to have any moral agency despite their religion.

5:00  Jews and Muslims don't even know they are in a religious war. 

6:00  Jews > Muslims?

8:00  Why are Muslims so helpless and stupid?

9:00  7 October 2023


13:00  Torah theocracy

14:00  ROBERT TATE joins.

15:00  Europeans are incompetent.

16:00  Beyondism

18:00  The Final Solution and the invasion of Poland

 20:00  Neville Chamberlain

21:00  Etonians

24:00  IRA

29:00  God's Chosen People

31:00  Jews going too far.

"Islam has no excuse not to overthrow Jews by now."

32:00  Egypt

33:00  Cultural problem


Seventh Day Adventists

34:00  Muslims are still in the Middle Ages.

35:00  Muslims just don't have the quality compared to Jews.

36:00  King of Morocco and Jordan on the CIA payroll

37:00  Western foreign policy has no long term planning.

39:00  Low white birth rate

Armenian genocide

40:00  Kevin MacDonald

42:00  Slavery in Mauritania

44:00  If Hitler were resurrected, degenerate antisemites would only mock him. 

45:00  Unmarriageable bachelors

46:00  Afrikaaner State

Kevin MacDonald > Nick Fuentes

Ricardo Duchesne

47:00  Christians v Pagans

Saviour required.

48:00  The left does not need a saviour.

49:00  Beggars can't be choosers.

51:00  Fathers are boomers in denial.

53:00  Very few white men of fighting age who are fighting fit

57:00  Saviour and repentance

58:00  Adam Green, a Jew or a Fed

Leadership styles that are about expelling potential rivals

59:00  Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor

1:00:00  ADL and Andy Nowicki

1:01:00  Groypers and Lucas Gage

1:02:00  To have a solution is to be seen to get above your station.

1:03:00  TL;DR

Writing a book is for the birds.

Dying people live in the past.

1:04:00  The purpose of religion is to maintain the practice of breeding non-degenerate legitimate offspring.

1:05:00  Men who play the blame game behave like complaining women. If you are complaining  like a woman, it means you are not planning to solve the problem. 

Women will continue to support political parties who import men of fighting age from other races and nations to come to the West because they hope these men of fighting age would be more likely to marry them. 

Women want to become married  mothers.

Shaming and motivating people

1:07:00  The next generation is the future wealth of the nation.

1:08:00  Parental authority

Justin Mohn

1:09:00  Vincent Bruno is the Nemesis of straight white men..

1:10:00  My brief exchange with Adam Green

1:11:00  No Western intellectual will discuss the nature and purpose of religion.

1:12:00  The 36 capital offences apply to Jews, not Noahides.

1:13:00  Sharia is Judaism Lite.

1:14:00  Secular Koranism

The Caliph is not a king.

1:15:00  Christendom ended in 1918 when most European kingdoms became republics.

1:17:00  An empire of unhappy people

A functioning justice system is necessary to avoid a failed state. 

1:18:00  Getting people to acknowledge that marriage is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions should be much easier than getting them to believe in Christianity. 

1:19:00  People get angry if they are told to believe in lies or forced to repeat them.

1:20:00  The Abrahamic God is a self-correcting moral system.

1:21:00  The evil inclination

1:23:00  Just laws

AGGIE joins.

1:24:00  Hatred and division amongst the Ummah

1:26:00  Victim mentality of Muslims

When the Messiah comes ...

1:27:00  The Noahide laws

1:28:00  Sufi

1:35:00  Secular Koranism

1:36:00  ABDELRAHMAN ABDO joins to discuss Muslim beliefs.

1:39:00  Dajjal

1:41:00  Jews

1:43:00  "Antisemite"

1:44:00  Jews treating gentiles as subhuman

1:45:00  Noahide laws

1:54:00  Abrahamic Accords

2:00:00  Patience

2:02:00  ISIS

2:06:00  Moral agency

2:08:00  Muslims have a hierarchy of loyalty.

2:13:00  Jordanian

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