
Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Muslims don't care about the Noahide laws

2:00  Noahide laws

21:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws 

32:00  Islam is the broom of Judaism.

38:00  Antisemitism in Christians and Muslims

42:00  Rabbi Cherki

52:00  Jews made Westerners support  Israel.

56:00  Jew-friendly Muslims

57:00  Jews introduced pornography to Christians, apparently.

59:00  Christians were once prepared to die for their faith.

1:00:00  Did Christians really believe in the Trinity?

1:01:00  WW2 and feminism

1:02:00  Christian women were once modestly dressed.

MUJAHID joins.

1:03:00  Feminism has undermined marriage and patriarchy.

1:07:00  The Trinity is so unbelievable even Christians who claim to believe in it are only pretending. We know this to be true because they are all so unprincipled. 

1:08:00  The Rockefellers are in an America that does not have an official religion. 

People with the wrong beliefs get ostracised. 

1:09:00  Israel

1:11:00  Noahidism is more ancient than Islam. 

1:12:00  Creating a religion

1:13:00  Who is the boss?

1:14:00  Ethoical monotheism ie the Abrahamic religions is the most powerful religious systsem of all.

1:15:00  Proselytising

1:16:00  Liberalism

1:17:00  White people don't have a working class nor the dignity of labour.

1:20:00  There will be debating societies under Secular  Koranism.

1:21:00  Cults, Mormonism and polygamy

1:25:00  Simpleton Muslims

1:29:00  Fascist

1:36:00  The Chinese are the biggest group of converts to Christianity.

1:37:00  The secular state of Israel does not want religious to settle there, just women of child-bearing age and men of fighting age.

1:38:00  The Haredim and Secularim

1:39:00  Rabbis who do not sing from the same hymn sheet

1:40:00  Rabbis will only be accountable when there is a Sanhedrin but none of them really want to restore it.  

1:42:00  Muslims in America and Britain

1:43:00  Rabbis

1:45:00  Bribing rabbis

1:48:00  Maimonides

1:49:00  Liberalism is destroying everyone's identity.

1:50:00  The Red Heifer

1:51:00  Jews and Christians will find it very hard to accept that Muslims are the ones in receipt of the better revelation.

1:52:00  Judaism on Christianity

1:55:00   White nationalists want to be liberal without the non-whites in their country.

1:56:00  WARRIOR joins.

2:03:00  Vincent seems to have a problem grasping the concept of free will. 

The narrative is that God gave us free will thus allowing us to enter the examination hall that is this life to show that we are capable of telling the difference between good and evil in theory and in practice. 

At each crossroad of moral choice, we are in theory capable of choosing between good and evil ie whether to obey God's laws or not.

Vincent's fallback position seems to be "Well, I wouldn't have done it like that."

If God wanted all His creatures to automatons just carrying out His orders, we would all be angels with no free will obeying God's laws.

Since Vincent thinks he knows better than God how to run the Universe, his position that he has not no free will is puzzling and confusing.

2:05:00  Vincent says he doesn't don't want to worship a god that allows suffering. But to be human is to suffer. So what kind god would he worship?

2:07:00   Vincent should read the Koran so he actually knows the difference between the Koran and Hadithic. The Koran says nothing about executing executing apostates though Daniel Haqiqatjou believes in executing apostates.

Vincent says he only cares about the laws, but in many schools of sharia the Hadith is also legislation. That is why when people talk about sharia, everyone gets confused because the question about which School of Sharia and which law is the next question and no one quite knows.

Vincent does not appear to see the logic of free will.

Why can't Vincent see that if this life is an examination hall, we must logically and necessarily be given the free will to choose between obedience and disobedience?

2:08:00  How are the questions of who created us and why "irrelevant and impossible to answer"?

If you believe in God, the purpose of our life becomes immediately clear: this life is an examination hall to test our ability to know the difference between good and evil, in theory and in practice.  

Since Vincent denies God's existence, he must therefore be an existentialist with the purpose of working out the purpose of his life  

As an agnostic, I would say that my purpose is to fulfil my potential.

Has Vincent worked out the purpose of his life as an agnostic who believes in predestination but who does not know who has predestined his life?

If Vincent does not think God exists and has predestined his life, why does he insist that he believes in predestination?

What does he think he is predestined to do?

"Warrior" is right in saying that if you believe in God who created you for a benign purpose, then you would just obey His laws or try to.  Once you take this option, life would become simpler, but Vincent rejects that because he thinks he knows better without being able to show how his way is better.

2:09:00  Nobody knows for certain whether God exists, but belief in Him is necessary to make people obey His laws from generation to generation. You don't have to believe in God to acknowledge that obedience is the effect of belief.  

Even if we do not believe in the afterlife, Koranic principles of governance are able to accommodate gay non-Muslims who are non-parents. This means gay people will be left alone if they do not get arrested, tried and convicted for public indecency offences.

2:13:00  Vincent is denying the existence of God because evil exists and evil people prosper, or appear to do so.  Were we promised Heaven on Earth where perfect justice reigns? In which verse was this promise made?

Have Vincent come across the word "theodicy" ie the problem of evil?

For some strange reason, people use the existence of evil to deny God's  existence and insist that if God exists, Heave on Earth would reign. Because Heaven on Earth does not exist, God does not exist, but that was never the bargain, was it?

The bargain was always "Obey my laws which tell you the difference between good and evil and you will get to heaven if you pass the examination."

2:14:00  If God wanted all His Creatures to bow down to Him, He would only have created angels who are basically automatons who cannot do other than obey God.

It is interesting that Vincent keeps saying that if he were God you would have done a much better job. How would he have done a better  job?

2:16:00  What sort of god would meet with Vincent's high standards of godhood?

2:18:00  I am not sure what you are trying to prove with all these Muslims. 

Some are going to agree with his interpretation of the Koran, others are not.

2:20:00  Vincent is always telling his birds not to fight.

What does Vincent mean when he says good and evil are "relative things"?

2:21:00  Smoking and eating pork are not stated to be evil.

2:22:00  Being a member of a religious group gives us better protection.

Vincent seems to be saying that he refuses to believe gentiles who obey the five Noahide laws (excluding the prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy) are evil. 

The Koran prescribes no this life punishments for idolaters and blasphemers.  

Muslims who believe in the afterlife will think idolaters go to hell, but Muslims have no right to punish idolaters and the Koran does not give them this right.

2:25:00  Why does Vincent keep talking about this "spacetime" thing?

Why would he worship a lesser god that is part the Universe when he can worship the supreme and eternal Creator of the Universe?

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

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