
Saturday 22 June 2024

Marriage, men and fundamental British values

1:00  The role of religion in influencing culture

2:00  Even the children of the most religious parents will be affected by the culture.

3:00  An attractive narrative will generate the political will required to change things because people basically choose the narrative they want to believe in and then live their lives to make that story come true.

British people don't take Anglicanism seriously. 

4:00  Believability is the most important feature in any religion. Adherents of a religion have to feel comfortable defending the narrative of their religious group ie not feel stupid defending nonsense and lies.

5:00  Men can begin bargaining with women who resent transgender women encroaching into their formerly exclusively female spaces by promising to defend women if they give up feminism.

6:00  Many men think it is easier to be women than men which is why they now become transgender to get a bit of female privilege.

Feminine privilege - the privilege of having more offers of sex than you are prepared to accept

7:00  Feminine Serbian women

Men's requirements are eternal and simple: food, sex and respect.

8:00  Neither men nor women understand their gender roles.

9:00  Men are have adopted feminine stratagems of mendacity and manipulativeness.

10:00  Men agreeing with feminism to have sex with women only make things worse in the long run. 

11:00  Dating apps

12:00  Observant Jews are supposed to thank God every day they were not born women.

14:00  The world is divided between people who want to be married parents and those who don't. Guess which group s going to become extinct first?

15:00  Jewish and Chinese diasporas, the Highland Clearances

16:00  Chinese demographics and gender relations

17:00  Monogamy is the ideal.

18:00  The Jefferson Koran

19:00  Mental illness

20:00  Gender roles

21:00  Unisex clothing forbidden in the Torah.

22:00  Transgender women of low standard

23:00  Jon Vance

24:00  Sex dolls

25:00  Stepford Wives

26:00  Marital aids

27:00  Eastern and Western porn

28:00  Porn for men and women

29:00  Prostitutes and brothels in Nevada

31:00  Stephen J James

32:00  quran.com24/33

33:00  No middle ground between wives and prostitutes.

34:00  Not everyone should have reproductive rights.

35:00  Sublimation

36:00  MATCHA joins

37:00  Vanilla sex

38:00  Pornographers

39:00  Extramarital sex is the opiate of the people.

40:00  Incest porn

43:00  Islamophobia

44:00   Degenerate culture is now global.

45:00  Redemption, penitence, sackcloth and ashes

46:00   Attributing suffering to failure to follow Koranic principles of governance.

47:00  Porn should be banned.

50:00  Addressing the people in charge ie CIA

Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones

51:00  Men are primarily motivated by sex.

52:00  St Augustine

53:00  Polyamory

54:00  Trad wife and trad life

55:00  "Fundamental British values"

58:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

1:00:00  The government is a contradiction machine.

1:01:00  Exponential curve

1:03:00  Baltic States

1:04:00  Do we know what is in our own interests, let alone our corrupt and incompetent ruling classes know what is in the long term national interest?

Vincent Bruno

1:05:00  What religion would we choose if we had a country to run?

1:06:00  Orthodox Christians, Amish, and Mormons

1:07:00  The culture is poison.


1:08:00  The Sopranos and Breaking Bad

1:09:00  Rap music

1:10:00  Islam and Christianity

Parents cannot raise their children the way they want.

1:11:00  Chemsex

1:13:00  Vincent Bruno

1:14:00  Married parents

1:15:00  Marriage is for legitimate children.

1:17:00  Superheroes

1:18:00  Liberalism and atheism keeps our docile.

1:19:00  Atheists v Theists

1:20:00  There is no advantage in being a new religion.

1:22:00  Lowering the status of non-parents and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders

1:23:00  Who is in charge?

1:24:00  CIA

Elon Musk and AI

1:25:00  AGI

Artificial General Intelligence

1:27:00  AI lawyers and judges?
1:29:00  Peaking
1:30:00  We have to choose our morality by choosing our religious group.
1:32:00  Becoming extinct
1:33:00  The possible future

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Bananas/Coconuts/Nationalists - would you repeal the Equality Act?

Bananas and coconuts, how much do you care about white people? Do you care enough about them to support Claire Khaw’s proposal to the repeal...