
Sunday 9 June 2024

The Koran is God's way of saying "Jews can escape the 36 capital offences of the Torah by becoming Muslim"

48:00  Claire Khaw is announced.

51:00  Rabbi Mizrachi

53:00  Rabbi Mizrachi's unique spin on everything has no rabbinical consensus

54:00  Incorrect things

55:00  The purpose of our life

56:00  The Noahide laws

57:00  Because the Torah was too great a burden to bear for Jewish souls, God in His mercy revealed the Koran to humanity, to lift the burden from their narrow and weak shoulders.  

Neither Jews nor Muslims alone can stop Christians from spreading globally their idolatry and blasphemy which has now turned into the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah ("globohomo"). However, together, they can jointly tell Christians to cease and desist from their nonsense. Imam Khamenei and Rabbi Yehuda Garami would be an ideal position to do this, announced by Press TV to the world. 


1:01:00  Even if all of Jewry converted to Islam, they would still fulfil their purpose of being God's Chosen People chosen to be light unto nations lighting the way of gentiles away from the idolatry of Christianity towards the correct conception of God in Islam. 

1:02:00  Rabbi Avigdor Miller

"Hitler was not only sent by Heaven, but was sent as a kindness from Heaven... Because assimilation and intermarriage are worse than death ... and the German Jews and others ignored the Torah-teachers and refused to desist from their mad race into assimilation, the Nazis were sent to prevent them and rescue them before they were swallowed up by the nations."

1:03:00  Jews were chosen by God to be made an example of.

1:04:00  If the purpose of our lives is to distinguish between good and evil, both have to exist for the exercise to be possible. 

1:05:00  America owns Israel and the Israel lobby relies on Christian Zionists to keep Israel going in the hope that when they convert Jews to Christianity, the Messiah will come. 

1:08:00  Education and Sharing Day

1:10:00  Idolatry

1:12:00  Bored of God

1:13:00  36 capital offences of the Torah

1:15:00  There cannot be a Sanhedrin without a Torah theocracy.

Secular Jews would rather die than live in a Torah theocracy.

1:16:00  Jews are evidence of God.

1:18:00  Christians are on their third global empire.

1:20:00  Jews in Rome

1:25:00  Muslims 

1:26:00  The Abrahamic God

1:27:00  The Trinity 

1:32:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions 

1:33:00  The Torah v The Koran

1:36:00  Free will lost with the Rapture

1:41:00  Not any Jew can be in the Sanhedrin.

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Bananas/Coconuts/Nationalists - would you repeal the Equality Act?

Bananas and coconuts, how much do you care about white people? Do you care enough about them to support Claire Khaw’s proposal to the repeal...