
Friday 21 June 2024

The Koran is more comprehensive than the Noahide laws

2:00  The Koran > The Babylonian Talmud

3:00  Messiah

4:00  New World Order

5:00  Noahide New World Order

6:00  Chabad established Education and Sharing Day

7:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.

8:00  Supreme Leader of Iran should be Caliph.

MUJAHID joins.

9:00  The Catholic Church has a Pope. 

10:00  Iranian Revolution 1979

11:00  The Caliphate

12:00  Nationalism amongst Muslims

Monarchies are not halal.

13:00  All Muslim countries should be modelled on Iran.

14:00  Right-thinking members of an Islamic republic

15:00  Not neocons


16:00  End of the petrodollar

17:00  Emirs can choose their Caliph.

A federated Caliphate

18:00  People of influence, thoughtleaders of Islam

20:00  The Koran is the Book of Bargains.

21:00  BLINDMAN joins.

22:00  Adultery

23:00  Fornication is different to adultery.

24:00  Deer blind

27:00  Stoning is exemplary punishment.

31:00  Raped women

Muslim monarchies are not representative of Islam.

35:00  Noahide laws

Taj Mahal

37:00  Hindu temples

39:00  Muslim Moghuls broke their own rules.

42:00  British India

44:00  Europeans are much better at ethnic cleansing than Muslims.

48:00 protects freedom of belief.

51:00  Hindus and Muslims

54:00  Bangladesh is not an Islamic State.

No representative democracy can ever be an Islamic State. 

57:00  Indian men want to marry a Jewess.

58:00  The enemy of my enemy is my friend is not a sustainable strategy.

1:00:00  Noahide laws

1:01:00  Vincent thinks the harsher punishment of the Noahide laws is a sign of divinity.

1:02:00  The Noahide laws are not practicable because they come into conflict with the First Amendment supported by

1:03:00  Prophets prior to Moses were Noahides.

1:05:00  Hindu biting the throat of a goat

1:07:00  Shiva's penis

The difference between the Noahide laws and the Koran is that the latter is supposed to be the directly revealed Word of God while the Noahide laws were only what was derived from the Torah by rabbis.

According to the Talmud, the seven laws were given first to Adam and subsequently to Noah. The Tannaitic and Amoraitic rabbinic sages (1st–6th centuries CE) disagreed on the exact number of Noahide laws that were originally given to Adam. Six of the seven laws were exegetically derived from passages in the Book of Genesis, with the seventh being the establishment of courts of justice. The earliest complete rabbinic version of the seven Noahide laws can be found in the Tosefta. 


"So, gentiles who call yourselves Noahides rather than Muslims, you prefer the Talmud  to the Koran, do you? Why are you antisemites pretending to prefer the word of mortal and fallible rabbis who are Jews whom you hate when you have the directly revealed Word of God? Are you fucked in the head or something?"

1:08:00  Red Heifer

1:11:00  Prayer

1:13:00  Muslims in the West

1:17:00  Noahide laws < The Koran

1:18:00  The Noahide laws predated the Torah.

1:19:00  The Noahide laws were basic and primitive and not supported by divine generation. 

1:20:00  Muslim civilisation

1:23:00  Free will

1:24:00  Muslims acknowledge the existence of the Torah and the Gospels.

1:26:00  God warns before He punishes.

1:29:00  Religion was perfected in the Koran.

1:33:00  Comprehensive system

White Sharia

Nick Fuentes

1:35:00  Both men and women get punish for their sexual offences.

1:43:00  Usury, Black Rock


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