
Saturday, 10 August 2024

On the importance of making a will if you share ownership of your home with your lover

8:00  The power of the voice of a woman of child-bearing age

10:00  Stephen J James

12:00  Neurotic Christians on Faturechi 

14:00  Plenty of people who want to change our minds

17:00  Joan of Arc

18:00  Religion is meant to control us.

20:00  The Way

21:00  Progress

22:00  The Marian Cult

Feminine deities

23:00  Idols can neither harm nor help you.

25:00  "A sense of the divine"

"I literally cannot rationalise beauty."

"the divine hand of God in that countenance"

 27:00  I do not lack spirit, apparently.

28:00  Truth and logic

29:00  Simon Sheppard

32:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens

33:00  Jews

34:00  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

35:00  Degeneracy

36:00  Marriage is a child protection scheme.

37:00  The purpose of religion is to stabilise laws. 

38:00  Even rich people can have their property taken away.

39:00  Balfour Declaration

War finance

40:00  Usury

Carthago delenda est.

41:00  Troy protected an adulteress.

42:00  We can regenerate ourselves. 

43:00  Illegitimacy is degenerate.

46:00  Government should support patriarchy.

47:00  Laws should be based on an official moral system.

48:00  The marriage contract

Marriage is not about individual happiness but about the continuation of the group. 

49:00  I am indeed diagnosing the ills of this country on the grounds of morality, not race. 

50:00  ZULU WOMAN joins to support marriage.

52:00  "Unhappily married couples produced OK children."

53:00  "Feminism has destroyed the family unit."

"The empowerment of women is an aggression against men."

54:00  Feminism is a war on men, children, women and society.

How would the marriage contract push back feminism?

55:00  Degeneracy and nihilism

57:00  Slut-shaming was practised by women against each other. 

59:00  Paternal and parental authority is required to discourage marriage against parents' wishes.


1:00:00  Zulu marriage

1:04:00  Slavery

1:06:00  Marriage is a contract of mutual slavery.

1:07:00  Slavery

1:08:00  Slavery is like the dole.

1:10:00  Equal pay undermines monogamy.

1:11:00  Polygamy

1:12:00  Serial monogamy is retarded.

1:13:00  Men have fewer rights than women in their martriarchy.

1:14:00  The legal advantages of getting married

1:15:00  The Napoleonic inheritance system in Belgium

1:20:00  Inheritance tax

1:22:00  Growing tobacco

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