
Monday, 2 September 2024

Who really started WW2?

3:00  Space starts

5:00  A J P Taylor and Niall Ferguson

Neoconservatism is Atlanticism and American imperialism.

8:00  Origins WW2 

10:00  Thirty Years War

11:00  Westphalian System,_eius_religio

15:00  Religious identity and political identity are fundamental to our personal alliances.

16:00  Second Thirty Years War

18:00  Arno J Mayer

22:00  David Irving and John Keegan

Gordon A Craig

23:00  David Irving

25:00  Neutrality of Ireland

26:00  Irish history

27:00  Danzig

28:00  Principle of national self-determination

30:0  Anschluss

32:00  Origins of WW1

33:00  Treaty of London 1869

34:00  Franco-Prussian War 1870

Berlin to Baghdad Railway

36:00  Belgian Congo

37:00  Phony War

38:00  Balance of Power

39:00  Volga Germans

40:00  Anabaptists

41:00  Mennonites

43:00  WW1

General Election of 1915

45:00  Battle of Thermopylae

46:00  Palestine Mandate

47:00  The Holy Land

48:00  Double Plus Not Worth It

49:00  The British Empire

50:00 The Berlin to Baghdad Railway

The  Road and Belt Drive

52:00  Thucydides trap

54:00  Cultured Greeks

55:00  Greek philosophy influenced Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhism.

57:00  Zero

59:00  BOBOTHEDODO joins.

Infinity - a concept or number?


1:06:00  The Unnecessary War by Pat Buchanan

1:08:00  Dresden

1:09:00  The Blitz

1:12:00  American shipping

Oil embargo

1:13:00  Bosphorus and Gibraltar

1:14:00  David Hogan

Curtis Yarvin

1:15:00  The Deluge

1:16:00  The Wages of Destruction

1:19:00  Christians and the Armenian genocide

1:21:00  Turks and Kurds


1:22:00  Black Hand


1:24:00  Cuban Missile Crisis

The Crimea

1:25:00  Russo-Japanese War


Warm water port

1:26:00  Anglo-Russian Convention

1:27:00  Jews, Himmler, Madagascar

1:28:00  Functionalist and Intentionalist


1:32:00  Red Army

1:33:00  Death and work camps

Ely Wiesel

1:34:00  Gas chambers

1:35:00  Armenian genocide

1:36:00  Jewish control of media

1:37:00  Alan Dershowitz


1:39:00   Eruv in Manhattan

1:40:00  Second Temple Judaism

1:41:00  Circumcision


1:43:00  John Chrysostom

1:44:00  Male circumcision

1:46:00  Douglas  Murray

1:47:00  Banning male circumcision

1:49:00  Blood libel

1:51:00  Light unto nations, God's Chosen People

1:52:00  Christianity is the antithesis of Judiasm.

1:53:00  Zelensky banned the Orthodox Church

1:55:00  Uniting historical narratives

Philosophy of history

1:56:00  Stalingrad

"Hitler invaded Poland"

The Russians also invaded Poland.

1 September 1939 -  Hitler invaded Poland

17 September 1939 - the Soviet Union invaded Poland

1:57:00  Chamberlain

1:58:00  American Civil War and the role of South Carolina

2:00:00  Slavery

2:01:00  Commie or Nazi

McCarthyite country bumpkin

2:02:0  Yuri Bezmenov

2:04:00  Historical dialectic

2:06:00  Russian Orthodox Church

2:07:00  Trump

2:08:00  Thesis (Judaism), antithesis (Christianity) and synthesis (Islam)

2:10:00  Hegelian dialectic

2:11:00  Skull and Bones

2:12:00  Tony Blair, Bilderburger Group and Keir Starmer

2:13:00  "You're either for us or against us."

2:14:00   Bible Belt

2:15:00  Fake boom

Who controls Iraq and Iran?

2:16:00  Israel

2:18:00  Khamenei


2:19:00  Iranian Diaspora

The neoconservative agenda is to force people to be "free".

2:21:00  Afghanistan

Great Game

2:24:00  Angola, America and the Soviet Union

2:30:00  Siberia

2:31:00  Jews and Trotsky

2:35:00  Bolsheviks

2:36:00  The Treaty of Brest Litovsk

2:38:00  Poland

Seven Years War

2:40:00  Napoleon

Boris Johnson and Zelensky - divide and conquer

2:42:00  Alexander or Boris?

2:43:00  Jogging off

2:44:00  Brexit

Ukraine and EU

2:45:00  Federation and Germany

Returning to the EU

2:46:00  Central Europe and immigration

2:47:00  Common sense is now Far Right.

2:48:00  Germany

2:50:00  Limited sovereignty

2:51:00  Irish Potato Famine

2:52:00  Eastern European men and Irishwomen

Hypergamy and hypogamy

2:55:00  American agenda for Europe

2:56:00  Care visas

2:57:00  GDP

2:59:00  Black males in Ireland

3:01:00  Uganda

3:02:00  China

White Man's Burden

3:03:00  Empire of Dust

3:04:00  Eric Prince


3:05:00  Bantus and Hutus

3:07:00  Aid and Marshall Plan x 50

3:12:00  Apartheid

Joe Slovo

3:13:00  Henry Ford

3:14:00  Breaking up the nuclear family


3:15:00  Israel

3:17:00  Spartacus

3:18:00  Book of Isaiah

3:19:00  Water smells of antiseptic

3:21:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

3:22:00  The problem with secularism is that the governed literally continue to consent to their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes making up the rules as they go along. Talk about suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome! 

3:23:00  Preferring to blame Jews rather than discuss the concept of a moral system and its failure causes white people not to solve their problems by fighting each other over whether Jews are to blame.

3:24:00  If it was a war that you didn't win, then it was a fight you shouldn't have picked. Britain declared war on Germany twice in WW1 and WW2. 

TOUGH HIKE PUBLICATIONS joins to insist that Britain won the war. But it was a Pyrrhic victory.

If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, we shall be utterly ruined.

— Plutarch

3:25:00  The Second Thirty Years War was entirely unnecessary proving the point that race cannot be  your religion since the parties at war were both Saxon ie Teutons and Protestant.

3:26:00  The wars Britain declared against Germany in 1914 and 1930 would not have become World Wars but for British participation and remained just another European war. 

3:27:00  Japan's military expansionism after modernising its army 

3:28:00  "Scrap of paper"

Informed by the British ambassador that Britain would go to war with Germany over the latter's violation of Belgian neutrality, German Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg exclaimed that he could not believe that Britain and Germany would be going to war over a mere "scrap of paper".

 3:29:00  The casus belli was the Berlin to Baghdad Railway.

The railway became a source of international disputes during the years immediately preceding World War I. Although it has been argued that they were resolved in 1914 before the war began, it has also been suggested that the railway was a manifestation of the imperial rivalry that was the leading cause of World War I.

"It was felt in England that if, as Napoleon is said to have remarked, Antwerp in the hands of a great continental power was a pistol leveled at the English coast, Baghdad and the Persian Gulf in the hands of Germany (or any other strong power) would be a 42-centimetre gun pointed at India."

3:30:00  America was dragged into the war. Washington warned against this.

3:31:00  Nazi Soviet Pact 

3:32:00  The Thucydides Trap

3:33:00  Land and sea empires

3:34:00  Alexander the Great

3:35:00  Risk

What does it mean to consolidate your empire?

To **consolidate an empire** means to strengthen and solidify control over the territories, resources, and populations within the empire. Here are some key aspects of what this process typically involves:

- **Centralization of Power**: Ensuring that all parts of the empire recognize and obey the central authority. This might involve setting up a centralized government or bureaucracy.

- **Administrative Reforms**: Implementing systems for governance that are uniform or at least coordinated across different regions. This could include tax systems, legal codes, and administrative divisions.

- **Cultural Integration or Assimilation**: Promoting a common culture, language, or set of values to unify diverse populations. This can be through education, religion, or cultural policies.

- **Military Control**: Stationing military forces or building fortifications to maintain control, suppress rebellions, and protect against external threats.

- **Economic Integration**: Developing trade routes, standardizing currencies, and creating economic policies that benefit the empire as a whole, often at the expense of local economies.

- **Infrastructure Development**: Building roads, bridges, aqueducts, and other infrastructure to facilitate movement, trade, and communication within the empire.

- **Legal and Political Systems**: Establishing laws and political structures that ensure loyalty and prevent fragmentation. This might include creating a system of governance that incorporates local elites or creating a legal framework that applies empire-wide.

- **Propaganda and Ideology**: Using propaganda to foster a sense of unity and loyalty to the empire, often portraying the central power as benevolent or divinely ordained.

- **Diplomacy and Alliances**: Forming strategic alliances or diplomatic relations with neighboring states or tribes to secure borders and reduce the risk of external interference or invasion.

- **Repression and Pacification**: When necessary, using force or the threat of force to quell dissent or rebellion, ensuring that any resistance is dealt with swiftly to maintain stability.

The process of consolidation can vary greatly depending on the nature of the empire, whether it's ancient like the Roman Empire, medieval like the Mongol Empire, or more modern like colonial empires of the 19th and 20th centuries. Each empire's approach might differ based on its goals, the technology available, the nature of its expansion, and the cultural and political landscape of the territories it controls. 

3:36:00  Sea empires are analogous to trading on margin.

3:37:00  Justice is what is generally perceived as fair enough.

3:38:00  Admitting mistakes and the failure of Christianity

The First World War was not about religion. 

Why do so many war memorials say "To the glory of God"?

The 250 years of Western history can be understood as a rejection of Christianity and liberalism. 

3:39:00  Britain has a vested interest in maintaining the monarchy. 

3:40:00  King Henry II: the Muslim monarch of medieval England?

3:41:00  The British Monarch does not enjoy First Amendment rights. What is the point of being a monarch if you have fewer rights than your subjects?

3:42:00  King Charles cannot even take an interest in what was once considered non-political subjects such as philosophy, the environment and architecture without being mocked and persecuted. Should His Majesty wish to abdicate, he can become his own Archbishop of Canterbury. 

3:43:00  If the narrative that the last 250 years of Christianity has been the rejection of monarchy and Christianity is adopted, the world arrives at the door of Islam. The American Empire can only retain its moral leadership of the world if its ruling classes is seen to be repenting in sackcloth and ashes for the idolatry of their ancestors before global media.

What Is 'White Sharia'? Alt-Right Blogger Doesn't Want Women To Vote, Drive Or Work 

3:44:00  Women by being agreeing to reintroduce the practice of slut shaming can show moral leadership. 


3:46:00  The Oracle Claire Khaw

Vincent's therapists say I might have mental problems eg narcissism.

3:47:00  Could Claire Khaw who has a birthday on Tisha B'Av be a descendant of King David?

3:48:00  The Messiah is supposed to have a birthday on Tisha B'Av. 

3:49:00  Claire Khaw the Messiah Substitute

3:50:00  The Day of Atonement

3:52:00  Commanding the narrative

Did Britain not declare war on Germany?

Did Christendom not end in 1918?

Did Christianity protect Christians from each other?

Are not white people the most treacherous to each other's interests?

3:53:00  Do white people want to return to absolute monarchy in the 21st century?

Would white people in America trust Prince Harry, E Michael Jones or Jay Dyer to be their absolute monarch? 

Would Americans really abolish their First Amendment to have Prince Harry, E Michael Jones or Jay Dyer to be their absolute Christian monarch?

Are Americans really crazy and stupid enough to cancel the American Republic of the Founding Fathers just to establish an absolute monarchy?

What is the rest of the world to think of America if they adopt Christian nationalism by establishing an absolute monarchy?

Weren't the Founding Fathers proto-Muslim?

Wasn't Deist a code word for non-Trinitarian?

Isn't a non-Trinitarian a non-Christian?

Aren't you closer to being Muslim if you believe in the Abrahamic God but reject the Trinity and wish to remain a gentile?

Wouldn't it make sense for Jews to become Muslim to avoid the 36 capital offences in their afterlife?

3:54:00  Vincent Bruno represents the American connection. 

Vincent Bruno - Man of Destiny! 

3:55:00  Trump must declare his intention to abolish political parties to secure his legacy and election. 

3:57:00  Once upon a time,  America was a one-party state under the Federalist Party.

3:58:00  The War of 1812 split the Federalist Party.

3:59:00  Trump legalising marijuana in Florida

4:01:00  Will Trump be hosting Spaces soon?

4:04:00  Historical records

4:05:00  Paston letters

4:06:00  Aztecs

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Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...