Solon, (born c. 630 BCE—died c. 560 BCE), Athenian statesman, known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece (the others were Chilon of Sparta, Thales of Miletus, Bias of Priene, Cleobulus of Lindos, Pittacus of Mytilene, and Periander of Corinth). Solon ended exclusive aristocratic control of the government, substituted a system of control by the wealthy, and introduced a new and more humane law code. He was also a noted poet.
Sunday, 20 October 2024
Subsidiarity, scapegoating and status; No Jews without Judaism, no Judaism without Torah
5:00 Jesus was executed for blasphemy according to the Christian narrative while Jews claim they do not even have a record of Jesus ever having existed.
Is nationalism moral?
8:00 In vino veritas
Good, evil, justice and morality are big words we think we know the meaning of.
12:00 The image problem of nationalism
Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and Salazar
15:00 The American Empire would want to discourage nationalism, regionalism and separatism.
2:02:00 Matriarchy is a society of sluts and simps.
Hard times create good times etc.
2:03:00 All empires fall for the same reason.
2:05:00 Sheepshaggers
2:06:00 Marriage is eugenic.
2:07:00 Religion is having an immune system.
2:09:00 Privileging married parents over non-parents.
2:10:00 Sexual liberation is a Western value.
The Chinese still have not got gender relations right.
2:13:00 Monogamy is the most stable form of society.
Polygamy is tolerated in extremis.
2:14:00 If the British had been Muslim, they would have easily replenished their racial stock after two ruinous World Wars.
2:16:00 Wasn't the Roman Empire flooded with slaves which replaced the plebeians?
2:20:00 "Human civilisation is cyclical."
2:21:00 Jihad
2:24:00 Defining good and evil
Nobody knows what is good for them: not individuals, not governments, not empires.
2:26:00 There are only three Abrahamic religions. We just have to choose the one that is right for us.
2:27:00 "A cultural interpretation"
2:28:00 The good news is that atheists already understand God.
2:29:00 Getting people to agree that they should believe in the Abrahamic God through a series of Socratic questions
2:32:00 It is better to have fought and lost than never to have fought at all.
2:33:00 Jihad
2:34:00 Defending principles to the death
2:36:00 Identity is knowing our status and sex.
Attributes admired in men are not attractive in women and vice versa.
2:37:00 Recreational sex should only be licensed for couples married to each other.
2:38:00 Men are expected to defend territory with their lives.
2:40:00 Zelensky is being paid by neocons to keep the war in Ukraine going.
2:44:00 Stephen J James
2:45:00 "Europe is an occupied country since 1945."
Are we the Slaves of God?
Are we a vassal state of a vassal state?
2:47:00 Representative democracy is rotten to the core.
2:48:00 Three assassination attempts against Trump in three months
2:49:00 DREW the fourth Australian joins.
2:50:00 We believe what we want to believe.
Scott Adams
2:51:00 Atheists and ethical monotheists have a different outlook on life.
2:52:00 STEPHEN BROUGHTON on Hinduism and Buddhism
2:53:00 The afterlife, idolatry, paganism
2:54:00 Idolaters are people without the benefit of divine revelation.
2:55:00 Rules are made to be broken.
2:56:00 Liberalism is now sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting, which is dysgenic.
2:57:00 Sexual liberation is the cause of degeneracy and the labour shortage making the demand for immigrant labour irresistible for Western governments.
2:58:00 The immigrant can certainly be got to support marriage and the restoration of the patriarchy in the West.
3:00:00 Commonsense not wanting to assimilate into a degenerate culture.
3:01:00 Religion is an organising force.
3:02:00 Parallel societies
Stigmatising unmarried parents and divorce
3:03:00 White Australia policy
3:04:00 White Christian does not trust Christians of other races.
3:06:00 There are obvious genetic and cultural difference between different kinds of Christians from different races and nations.
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