
Thursday, 7 November 2024

Misinformation Bill

3:00  Space begins.

15:00  Tacitus

17:00  Edict of Milan

18:00  Praetorian Guard

22:00  Thomas Jefferson

24:00  Fifth Column

26:00  Trump "broke the ontological prison".

28:00  The march through the institutions

29:00  Elon Musk

31:00  Boiling the frog

32:00  Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor

Misinformation Bill

35:00  Enough but too late

46:00  JF Gariepy

48:00  I am described as a senior. 

58:00  Pauline Hanson

1:00:00  Politician for Southern Cross

1:01:00  No right to free speech in Australia

1:04:00  Misinformation Bill

1:10:00  Judicial notice

1:13:00  Democracy

1:14:00  Obiter dicta

1:19:00  Whether they are a tranny or have a fanny

1:20:00  Suicide rate

1:23:000  s 7(24)1

1:31:00  Australian judiciary

1:33:00  First  Amendment

1:36:00  French Revolution

1:37:00  Federalist Papers

1:39:00  Southern Cross voter

1:40:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

1:41:00  Unconstitutional

1:42:00  Favours the incumbent party

1:43:00  The need for the public to be properly informed

1:46:00  Building blocks of democracy

1:48:00  High Court adjudication

1:50:00  Difference between the US and the Australian constitution

1:51:00  Freedom of political communication of what is true or what is false or both  but who decides what is true or false?

1:52:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

1:53:00  Governor General can dismiss the Prime Minister.

1:54:00  The British do not have any constitutional rights that cannot be eradicated by an Act of Parliament passed under the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy.

1:55:00  Australia puts republic referendum plan on hold

1:56:00  I am not technically wrong.

1:57:00  Australia Act 1986

1:59:00  Privy Council

2:01:00  John Howard the Australian Trump

2:02:00  No term limits for Australian PMs.

2:03:00  Australia is a vassal state of a US vassal state.

2:06:00  Prince Andrew treated as if he were a resident Floridian or Californian.

2:07:00  Virginia Giuffre

2:09:00  Prince Andrew interrogated by Emily Maitlis

2:10:00  Woodrow Wilson
2:11:00  Churchill getting the US to join WW2.
2:12:00  Suez Crisis, Korean War, Vietnam War, neocon wars
2:13:00  CIA
2:14:00  License to kill
Praetorian Guard
2:15:00  Trump will try to promote the interests of the American proletariat.
US asking NATO members for higher contributions could prompt a European exodus.
2:16:00  Ukraine War
2:17:00  Trump had a connection with the American proletariat.
Non-whites love Trump.
2:18:00  Vincent Bruno
2:19:00  Australia forced to buy US nuclear submarines.
2:20:00  Most Americans learned nothing about American history at school. 
The Age of Republican Revolutions superseded the Age of Monarchy.
2:21:00  It is unAmerican to want a monarchy.
2:22:00  The rightly-guided Caliphs were not kings.
2:23:00  Jews had terrible kings.
2:24:00  The Crown
Princess of Wales
2:27:00   The Special Relationships
2:28:00   BBC
Rupert Murdoch
2:29:00  Female voter on Ukraine War
2:30:00  Biden to Boris about Ukraine
2:31:00  Mafia 
The average female voter
2:32:00  One party state
2:33:00  Julia Roberts 

2:34:00  Secular Koranism


2:40:00  Intrinsic value and intrinsic evil

2:46:00   In all cases the child should be born and the child adopted.

2:49:00  Should the midwife save the mother or the child?

2:54:00  Pater familias

2:55:00  Driving and dress

A literal but permissive interpretation of the Koran

2:57:00  Wife-beating verse

2:59:00  Mercy killing

3:00 :00  Suicide Act 1961

3:02:00  Risk averse women

3:03:00  Gender roles assists spouse-hunting

3:04:00  The Ten Commandments



3:06:00  Wife beating


3:07:00  The State of Delaware had an age of 7 in 1871 lowered from 10.

3:08:00  Divorce in the Koran

3:09:00  Presentism

3:10:00  Trump must abolish all political parties and follow the advice of George Washington!

3:12:00  Consultation

3:14:00  JD Vance, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tulsi Gabbard

3:15:00  The disloyalty of white nationalists

3:17:00  Puppet or dictator?

3:20:00  Political discussions with friends and family

3:23:00  Jerusalem

And did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon England's mountains green?

And was the holy Lamb of God

On England's pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine

Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem builded here

Among these dark Satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold:

Bring me my arrows of desire:

Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!

Bring me my chariot of fire.

I will not cease from mental fight,

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

Till we have built Jerusalem

In England's green and pleasant land.

3:25:00  Tasmania as a homeland Jews

Adolf Hitler Airport instead of Ben Gurion Airport

3:27:00  British Israelism

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...