
Thursday, 9 January 2025

Failing to explain the harm of idolatry to someone who clearly doesn't care

3:00  Space starts.

4:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

9:00  Wrongthink and doublethink

10:00  Competing interpretations of the Koran as Secular Koranists would be regarded as a sign of  progress.

12:00  Carol should have submitted to the authority of a Founding Father forbidding political parties thus supporting my proposal of a one-party theocracy, but Goerge Washington's farewell speech means nothing to her. She basically still worships her own opinion like an atheist and refuses to be questioned about her positions like a liberal while refusing to follow the logic of her beliefs. A Muslim properly believing in God would believe the Koran is the Word of God containing God's laws which she would have a religious obligation to obey and promote, but Carol actually treats  American public opinion as the be all and end all of her considerations and submits to it. She is in fact submitting to the Islamophobia of non-Muslims being clearly fearful of them. It is indeed true that the Greater  Jihad is the struggle with oneself. She admits to being a pessimist which is a feature of being atheist. When she blurted out that she would only support the hudud punishments ie the capital and corporal punishment in sharia in the End Times on the arrival of the Mahdi, I knew I was talking to an atheist. Before I could question her further on it, she rage quit and blocked me. 

14:00  Carol

15:00  "White enough"

17:00  Neurosis

19:00  Incoherence

20:00  Theists are optimists, atheists pessimists.

22:00  To the extent that I seek power, I seek it only to do what I believe to be the right thing. I am mindful of the fact that if we fear God only, then we are more likely to act correctly than if we feared anything or anyone else.  

23:00  Equivocation, doublethink, wrongthink, hypocrisy

Being ignored is worse than being challenged.

24:00  Hitler

25:00  Blaming Jews lowers your status.

26:00  The thinking of antisemites

27:00  PEACHGOD joins.

31:00  Interrupting your conversation to acknowledge the presence of viewers as a practice

33:00  God created a logical universe.

34:00  God never said "If evil exists, I don't."

35:00  10 Commandments/Noahide laws

36:00  Observing the Sabbath

37:00  Idolatry

38:00  The Third Principle of Judaism

39:00  John Dee and Edward Keller

41:00  The correct conception of God

42:00  Spinoza

45:00  Blasphemy

46:00  Spinoza's heresy

48:00  Sufi thinks God is everywhere. 

49:00  Holy Spirit

51:00  The supremacy of God over the Holy Spirit and prophets

The Trinity requires Christians to believe Jesus is co-equal to God who created the Universe.

53:00  God is above humanity and intervenes in human affairs.

54:00  Divine revelation containing God's laws

56:00  Angels take orders from God.

58:00  Jews and Muslims reject the Trinity.

1:01:00  God communicates with humanity through divine revelation and angels.

1:03:00  Christians worship a man.

1:08:00  Rob continues to talk nonsense and creates his own god.

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