
Sunday, 24 May 2009

Would Jesus have voted BNP? Would the Prophet Muhammad?

I rather thank that in Jesus’ time, people would have been allowed to complain about foreigners and talk of sending them home, as they do in South Africa, without being persecuted and villified.

Would Jesus have voted BNP?

Bishop John Goddard’s comment on Sunday, Radio 4 - - that the BNP sow division was countered by Roger Bolton pointing out that the Church’s policy of allowing homosexual priests is in itself divisive.

In other words, politics and religion are divisive. Man is so divided and contentious that quite often, he would disagree with the opinions that he himself has held at another time.

Knowing what we do about Jesus, it is quite likely that he would have remained enigmatic and not voted.

Would Muhammad have said:

"Let us Muslims vote BNP because they have so many policies we agree on? At least, the BNP would not have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Muslims, like the BNP, did not support 42 day detention, and we appear to have similar views about the Holocaust, Zionism and Israel. Let us make a friend of an enemy, as the Koran advises us to do, and concentrate on things we are agreed on, rather than their Islamophobia, which may be more to do with ignorance and fear, which we may in time correct."?

Some BNP voters have 'legitimate views' on immigration, says Baroness Warsi
Ali Miraj: It's perfectly rational for the ignored white working class to vote BNP
Muslims would doubtless approve of the BNP’s stance on

1) withdrawing British troops from Muslim lands
2) the return of capital punishment
3) the return of corporal punishment

Indeed, Muslims may be concerned about immigration and see the connection between the EU and uncontrolled immigration, and wish to withdraw from it, as the BNP do.

Islam does not endorse PC-liberalism of tolerance (of promiscuity, single mothers, widespread illegitimacy leading to the lowering of standards of education and behaviour, the drug and pub culture of this country etc).

Their religion tells them to forbid what is evil and enjoin what is good.

What we must now decide is whether it would be a good thing to tell the Lib-Lab-Con how much they are hated, by voting BNP.

Perhaps it is time to show the Church too, that it is so out of touch with the British people that its condemnation of the BNP will result, perversely, in more votes for them. The Anglican Church has embraced the values of our unofficial religion of "tolerance", Moral Relativism and homosexual priests, while refusing to defend the interests of the white working classes, who never go to church anyway, not even to get their children into a decent church school. These days, the white urban proletariat are more likely to find themselves going to mosque than church.

The Anglican Church, being complicit in the political establishment's determination not to discuss immigration or address any of its problems honestly, except to condemn anyone who questions it as "racist", no longer holds any moral authority.

The incompetence with which they have made their views known is laughable.

If I were Archbishop of Canterbury (and what an Archbishop I would be!) I would have questioned the ridiculous BNP assumption that Jesus would have voted for them.

If I were Mufti of Britain (and what a Great Mufti I would be!) I would point out how much common ground there is between the BNP and Muslims, and hint that most Muslims would be happy voting for them because they like their policies, as most non-Muslims do, if only they were not so Islamophobic and obsessed with race.

1 comment:

Andrew Slade said...

So who are these foreign Archbishops then, to tell the English People how to vote? Sentamu is a Muganda tribesman from Uganda and Williams a Welshman. Since when did Rowan Williams see fit to advise the Welsh people not to vote for the Plaid Cymru (Welsh Nationalist Party)? So how can he tell the English not to vote for their own nationalists? As for Sentamu, since independence in 1960, all Ugandan political parties have been nationalist & all the tribes: Muslim, Pagan & Christian. So has he given any advice to his own people not to vote at all? Do these foreigners even really understand England & her people, let alone her politics? Why doesn't Sentamu get busy converting Uganda's millions (tens of millions) of pagan devil worshipping bushmen? Maybe his own grannies are among them. NKOSI SIKELELE AFRIKA (God Save Africa).

How can they lecture London politicians about honesty & integrity, when back home their own political establishments are renowned for corruption, both in Cardiff, Kampala & in Entebbe (capitals of Uganda). Everything is for sale in those sinful cities but those whited sepulchre colonialist archbishops are so-o expert in seeing motes in English eyes, while ignoring the beams in those of the political establishments back home in their own countries.

Anyway, why is it that England is the only Province in the entire, worldwide Anglican Communion which is not even allowed to have its own Archbishops? Australia has an Australian Archbishop, South Africa a black South African, Rwanda a Rwandan, Ireland an Irishman etc. But Colonialism still prevails at York & Canterbury.

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