
Saturday, 20 May 2017

Today, I discovered White Sharia

White Sharia is discussed from 15th minute

What happens to people who say we should return to Christian morality?

They are mercilessly mocked.

The late Mrs Whitehouse was mercilessly mocked.

No one takes Christianity seriously, and even if they did, it is hard to defend because of the requirement to believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, which is controversial enough even amongst Christians.

Not only that, the Catholic Church, the most powerful church in the world, now has a liberal Pope and is hopelessly mired in the paedo priests scandal. It no longer has moral authority and clergy are afraid of discussing morality or anything controversial to do with standards of sexual morality.  If clergy got into trouble with the media over standing up for a principle, they would be hung out to dry and their career obstructed and ended.

Michael Voris and the Church Militant are now classified as extremist just for holding on the Catholic principles.

Catholics who take Catholicism seriously are on the whole middle aged to elderly with the young not much interested. No revolution ever was organised by the senescent and elderly.

There is no prospect of sedevacantism succeeding without armed force and no prospect of acquiring this armed force in a society that is overwhelmingly atheist.

If you wanted to use religion as a basis of effecting a revolution, it would not be Christianity, simply because it is perceived as stale, tried and failed. It is perceived to be the the religion of the senescent and is certainly not in the ascendant. If Catholicism is a moon, it is waning, not waxing. We also know that the reason why Catholic clergy are so supine is because they know that the only choice left to them in the face of accusations of paedo priests is simply to surrender and submit to the prevailing matriarchy and hope they get to keep their position and pensions while they live.

There  is only one religion that causes consternation and controversy in the political establishment, and it is the one Islamophobes hate and fear.

Oderint dum metuant.

Like it or not, the Koran is the only reliable source of social conservatism, and social conservatism is the indispensable ingredient of patriarchy and nationalism.

Without leadership and without being encouraged or exhorted to do so, people will not voluntarily and naturally turn from vice to virtue.  If Europeans spontaneously and suddenly felt an overwhelming desire for religion and social conservatism, they would not be turning to the tired, stale and failed religion of the elders.  The church has been completely rotted by feminism and it stinks to high heaven. The old may cling to Christianity, but the young know it is not for them if they want a future for themselves, their children, their descendants and their nation.

The young already despise the old for the way they have frittered away their inheritance, or they would when they think about it.  Baby boomers have been identified as the ones most liberal and most irresponsible, socially and fiscally. They are the ones now in charge and therefore the ones in denial while they continue to fuck things up.

If we think we are on our way out, we just do what we are comfortable with: go to church and pray the way we used to, and hope the church and the clergyman we are used to continues to exist until we ourselves are no longer in need of it.

Christianity is not going to inspire anyone capable of effecting a change. Only the young are capable of doing so. The young will have no time or patience for the platitudes of the elderly about to fade away who are not thinking about the future of the next generation, only about staying well within their own comfort zone and pretending to themselves and to next generation that they did nothing wrong.

Michael Voris of Church Militant is fighting a losing battle because he will never get enough Catholics to join his cause to make Catholicism both powerful or viable without a counter-revolution. Even if Voris were already Pope now, he would still be compromised and cucked the way Trump is, with the deep state gunning for him. Whatever populist ideology the people would back at the risk of life, limb and property to effect a counter-revolution against the sex revolution and matriarchy cannot be done on the back of Catholicism or any other established church for all the obvious reasons of being perceived to be old, tired, weak, corrupt, effeminate and fatally feminised.

Even the Greek Orthodox Church is compromised.

Presumably this is why the Greeks are in the state they're in: in debt and for all practical purposes enslaved.

13:11 Koran:

God does not change the lot of those who do not change what is in their hearts. 

Secular Koranism

Overhauling Islam: Representation, Construction, and Cooption of “Moderate Islam” in Western Europe


SS said...

If the whites were Islamic in their religious beliefs/practices they wouldn't be in the mess they're in right now.

If all white people became Muslim tomorrow they wouldn't oppose Muslims from other nations into their countries. Islam is not against race mixing or interbreeding with other races, so the concept of White supremacy, or supremacy of any other race for that matter, would diminish. All races would live in peace side by side under Islam as one Muslim is a brother/sister to another Muslim, irrespective of their racial differences.

It's funny how these people who are advocating "White Sharia" are just cherry picking what they like the sound of when it comes to Islam and ignoring the other tenets that don't suit them. You can't cherry pick Islam, you need to apply the whole ideology to a society, otherwise it won't work.

Claire Khaw said...

Nation of Islam didn't work either.

SS said...

The Nation of Islam are not true Muslims and they don't really follow Islam correctly. They are just a bunch of misguided black nationalists who cherry pick tenets from both the Bible and Qur'an without having a clue what they're actually doing. They're lost cases, hence why they've failed as a group.

Claire Khaw said...

Secular Koranism on the other hand intends to interpret the Koran in harmony with reason, humanity and morality.

Anonymous said...

"No one takes Christianity seriously, and even if they did, it is hard to defend because of the requirement to believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, which is controversial enough even amongst Christians."

This is a major assumption. No one takes it seriously? Catholicism is considered "cool" again among Gen Z and younger Millennials. Haven't seen the Deus Vult memes yet? Or all the TradCatholic groups popping up, populated almost exclusively with young people? Orthodox Christianity is also gaining in popularity. World Youth Day is well attended by Catholics youngsters every time it is held. There are still a lot of people who take Christianity seriously, but it is trending away from Protestantism and all its SJW, feel-good B.S. and more towards Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

"Not only that, the Catholic Church, the most powerful church in the world, now has a liberal Pope and is hopelessly mired in the paedo priests scandal. It no longer has moral authority and clergy are afraid of discussing morality or anything controversial to do with standards of sexual morality. If clergy got into trouble with the media over standing up for a principle, they would be hung out to dry and their career obstructed and ended."

I find that a lot of young Catholics question the legitimacy of the Pope. Many have serious theological problems with Vatican II and everything that came after. I think young people will drive a push towards a return to traditionalism within the church if they can ever manage to drive out the subversive Marxists. However, the church has often been plagued with scandal and bad popes. They are less relevant today when people are more likely to see their religion as a personal relationship with God and can read the Bible on their own. I agree the institution of the church looks really bad, but I don't think it is turning people away from the religion.

Anonymous said...

"Catholics who take Catholicism seriously are on the whole middle aged to elderly with the young not much interested. No revolution ever was organised by the senescent and elderly."

Again, not at all the case. If anything, the elderly are the ones who are holding the church back from returning to traditionalism. They are all the Baby Boomers who ushered Marxism into every facet of our culture. Young people who are serious about their faith are also serious about reclaiming it.

"If you wanted to use religion as a basis of effecting a revolution, it would not be Christianity, simply because it is perceived as stale, tried and failed."

According to whom? Do you have a scientific poll to back this up or is it just your perception? If it's just your perception, how many Christians do you know and how up to date are you with what is important to them?

"Like it or not, the Koran is the only reliable source of social conservatism, and social conservatism is the indispensable ingredient of patriarchy and nationalism."

Hardly. Islam is a universalist ideology. Not only does that put it at odds with nationalism, but it also makes it open to subversion. Bring Islam to Europeans and you will see it crumble to cultural Marxism sooner or later.

"Without leadership and without being encouraged or exhorted to do so, people will not voluntarily and naturally turn from vice to virtue."

If one has to be encouraged or coerced to pursue virtue, then it isn't virtue at all. Virtue can only ever be a voluntary, conscious choice. It cannot be legislated. Try to legislate the appearance of virtue and you will probably have even fewer genuinely virtuous people (since appearances will be good enough) and worse, you will not have any way to tell the truly virtuous from the ones who just pretend to be virtuous to look good.

"Christianity is not going to inspire anyone capable of effecting a change."

I think people find inspiration wherever they choose to look for it. Even if not in Christianity as taught by a certain religious sect, then in the Bible.

(I'm not a Christian, btw. I don't really have any love for it, either. But I'll take that over Islam any day.)

Check your premises. You are operating on the assumption that no one is or ever will be interested in Christianity again. This is not what I am seeing from young people. If anything, I think they will end up being zealots, especially when they see it is needed as a bulwark against Islam. Gen Z is increasingly trending nationalistic and right wing. I think your conclusions might logically follow from the premises you laid out, but I think those premises are incorrect.

Claire Khaw said...

"If you wanted to use religion as a basis of effecting a revolution, it would not be Christianity, simply because it is perceived as stale, tried and failed."

According to whom? Do you have a scientific poll to back this up or is it just your perception? If it's just your perception, how many Christians do you know and how up to date are you with what is important to them?

Islam uses the law to maintain morality, and does not rely on a corruptible and corrupt clergy.

Follow Michael Voris and every weekday he will remind you that Christianity has definitely failed.

Even if he became Pope he would not be able to stop the rot.

Claire Khaw said...

Hardly. Islam is a universalist ideology. Not only does that put it at odds with nationalism, but it also makes it open to subversion. Bring Islam to Europeans and you will see it crumble to cultural Marxism sooner or later.


Instead of saying Cultural Marxism, you should say feminism. Islam would definitely eradicate feminism because the principles of the Koran would compel those who wish to follow it to repeal thoughtcrime anti-discrimination legislation and abolish no fault divorce.

2:256 predates the First Amendment.

"There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion."

Muslims treat marriage as a contract which means any divorce settlement has to be based on the fault of the party in breach.

The Koran would give the citizen of an Islamic State the constitutional right *not* to be taxed more than a flat rate tax of 20%.

"Say to the Unbelievers, if (now) they desist (from Unbelief), their past would be forgiven them; but if they persist, the punishment of those before them is already (a matter of warning for them). And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do. And know that out of all the booty that ye may acquire (in war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah,- and to the Messenger, and to near relatives, orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer,- if ye do believe in Allah and in the revelation We sent down to Our servant on the Day of Testing,- the Day of the meeting of the two forces. For Allah hath power over all things."

— Quran 8:38–41

Claire Khaw said...

What do you mean by Islam being a "universalist" ideology? Is Christianity not universalist too?

Claire Khaw said...

How is Islam at odds with nationalism?

Without obeying the rules of marriage, there will be no social conservatism.

Without social conservatism there will be no patriarchy.

Without patriarchy there will be no men to defend the nation.

Claire Khaw said...

"Without leadership and without being encouraged or exhorted to do so, people will not voluntarily and naturally turn from vice to virtue."

If one has to be encouraged or coerced to pursue virtue, then it isn't virtue at all. Virtue can only ever be a voluntary, conscious choice. It cannot be legislated. Try to legislate the appearance of virtue and you will probably have even fewer genuinely virtuous people (since appearances will be good enough) and worse, you will not have any way to tell the truly virtuous from the ones who just pretend to be virtuous to look good.


I don't care. I just want criminals discouraged and punished.

Claire Khaw said...

"Christianity is not going to inspire anyone capable of effecting a change."

I think people find inspiration wherever they choose to look for it. Even if not in Christianity as taught by a certain religious sect, then in the Bible.

(I'm not a Christian, btw. I don't really have any love for it, either. But I'll take that over Islam any day.)


I just want something that works.

Claire Khaw said...

""Christianity is not going to inspire anyone capable of effecting a change."

I think people find inspiration wherever they choose to look for it. Even if not in Christianity as taught by a certain religious sect, then in the Bible.

(I'm not a Christian, btw. I don't really have any love for it, either. But I'll take that over Islam any day.)


Islam is just more *efficient*. If I wanted to do things quickly, I would use Islam.

The Koran also warns us against following the religion of our ancestors just because it is the religion of our ancestors.

Anonymous said...

"Islam uses the law to maintain morality, and does not rely on a corruptible and corrupt clergy. "

It maintains the appearance of it, but that doesn't make people moral in their hearts.

"Instead of saying Cultural Marxism, you should say feminism."

Feminism is only one aspect of Marxist subversion and it's not even remotely the most harmful.

"Islam would definitely eradicate feminism because the principles of the Koran would compel those who wish to follow it to repeal thoughtcrime anti-discrimination legislation and abolish no fault divorce. "

But why do you need Islam for these things? It sounds like you want some authority to come in and enforce your desire to eradicate feminism rather than just making arguments and convincing people why it's not beneficial for them.

"What do you mean by Islam being a "universalist" ideology? Is Christianity not universalist too?"

Absolutely it is! That is why it was able to be subverted. Religion doesn't translate well across cultures. Look at how differently Christianity is interpreted from Europe to Haiti to the Phillippines, etc. Modern Christianity is nothing like the original religion. The same would happen to Islam over time.

"How is Islam at odds with nationalism?"

Because universalism is at odds with nationalism.

"Without obeying the rules of marriage, there will be no social conservatism. "

I'm not sure that logically follows.

"Without social conservatism there will be no patriarchy."

Define patriarchy. That's a very loaded term.

"I don't care. I just want criminals discouraged and punished."

Well, I care about virtue and I don't want to live among a bunch of virtue signallers. I want to live among genuinely good people and I want to know who the bad ones are.

"I just want something that works."

I think we all do. Which is why it behooves us to closely examine the premises upon which we base our conclusions so that we can actually find good answers and not just ones we have an emotional attachment to. I don't claim to have the answer for the perfect society because I don't have an answer for the ills of human nature.

"Islam is just more *efficient*. If I wanted to do things quickly, I would use Islam. "

Would it not be easier for you to move to an Islamic country than to try to make the country you live in Islamic? You seem to have a disregard for what anyone else wants and their rights or choice in the matter.

"The Koran also warns us against following the religion of our ancestors just because it is the religion of our ancestors. "

A religion wanting converts would indeed say that.

What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...