
Thursday 26 March 2020

Herd immunity, Christianity and the fall of empires discussed with OV and Church of Entropy

5:00  OV joins.
10:00  Prepper
14:00  Coastal elites
16:00  Italians over 80 'will be left to die' as country overwhelmed by coronavirus
How would you prioritise medical care if you were in charge?
20:00  Herd immunity
22:00  Vaccination
32:00  Murdoch Murdoch
34:00  Cotto-Gottfried
35:00  The Duran, Peter Lavelle, Crosstalk, RT
37:00  BBC licence fee
38:00  BBC World Service

39:00  The horrible new educated male British voice that I hate from 5:00  at from

56:00  Herd immunity
58:00  India in lockdown but not Sweden.
Criticism mounts in Sweden of government’s soft approach to Covid-19

1:05:00  Mike Buchanan, leader of Justice for Men and Boys - Feminists are just a bunch of ‘hatchet-faced miserable' women
The founder of the Justice for Men and Boys party thinks that men have been treated “sub-humanly” by the state

Mike Buchanan should surrender his party to me publicly because I am the best anti-feminist in Britain

1:06:00  Gay Spacepan of the men's rights movement
1:11:00  Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married fathers.
1:12:00  Calling oneself an MRA is putting oneself in a supplicatory and applicatory position.

1:21:00  Nick Griffin
1:24:00  Socialism for whites only
1:26:00  National Front
1:27:00  Even pogroms need to be organised but nationalists can't organise a piss-up in a brewery.
1:30:00  Throwing a party and having to call the cops
1:32:00  Solon re-organised Athenian society into four groups
1:33:00  Hindu caste system
1:34:00  Social mobility
1:35:00  Corporatism
1:36:00  Meritocracy
1:37:00  Grammar schools for free and excellent schools
1:38:00  Education in France
1:39:00  The widening generation gaps between every subsequent generation
1:41:00  Spanish flu
1:42:00  Conspiracy theories
1:48:00  No fault divorce

1:52:00  ELLIOTT joins.
1:53:00  Boomer remover
1:57:00  I am the hub of the alt-right.
1:58:00  Telemedicine
1:59:00  The streets of San Francisco, vaccines, fluoride
2:15:00  Accelerationism
2:17:00  Keep calm, carry on and go back to work, even if it is the Black Death.
Plague Helped Bring Down Roman Empire, Graveyard Suggests

Crisis of the Third Century

Fall of the Western Roman Empire

2:29:00  OV talks to Saigon Green in the chat.

2:35:00  CONOPS joins.
2:41:00  The immune system of bats and boring conspiracy theory about 9/11
2:54:00  OV has an identity crisis after being triggered by Saigon Green.
2:56:00  Justinian Plague
3:00:00  How I would deal with Covid-19 if I were in charge
3:06:00  Demographics is destiny.
3:07:00  Bergamo
3:08:00  The plague is generic.
3:13:00  Crazy theories about Covid-19
3:15:00  Dying with dignity
3:16:00  Disposing of the deceased with dignity
3:22:00  Were there open borders during the bubonic plague?
3:24:00  Memento mori
3:25:00  2% mortality rate of Covid-19
3:27:00  Rationing medical care and ranking its prioritisation
3:30:00  It is the mark of an education man to entertain an idea without accepting it.
3:35:00  Philosophical discussion
3:35:00  Patriarchy
3:38:00  Prince Charles has contracted Covid-19.
3:44:00  My alleged sociopathy/psychopathy
3:46:00  Non-Nazi white people make my arguments too.
3:49:00  CONOPS talks to Saigon Green in the chat.
3:53:00  Preppers
4:03:00  Hierarchy
4:06:00  Hierarchy is different in a hierarchy and a patriarchy. Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. Matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers who casually conceived their casually parented offspring. Fascism is closer to patriarchy.
4:09:00  Fascism is authoritarianism.
4:10:00  Mussolini's corporatism
4:27:00  OV talks to Saigon Green.

4:37:00  CLAIRE KHAW rejoins the stream.
4:43:00  Being sub-human like Saigon Green
4:49:00  Doooovid and Jews being Jewish
4:53:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
4:54:00  Eric Striker
4:56:00  How can we objectively decide who won the argument?
4:57:00  Philosophical arguments
4:58:00  Universal Brotherhood of Man
4:59:00  Intentionalist v Functionalist Argument on whether Hitler intended to exterminate Jews
5:01:00  God's Chosen People
5:04:00  Antisemitism
5:05:00  Usury
5:08:00  Tribe
5:11:00  Antisemitism
5:12:00  Judaism is a way of thinking and behaving.
5:16:00  Jews only accept mortal prophets while Christians are required to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of supreme and eternal Abrahamic God which would be considered blasphemy and idolatry by Jews.
5:18:00  God's Chosen People
5:20:00  Compelling evidence for God

5:31:00  Tribe, nation, empire, civilisation
5:34:00  Greater Israel is defined in the Torah.
5:35:00  America and Israel are like a couple.
5:36:00  You are Jewish if your mother is a Jewess.
5:39:00  The Kaaba is not evidence of Muslim idolatry.

5:44:00  CHURCH OF ENTROPY joins.
5:51:00  Black Stone
5:54:00  If you want to get to ethno-nationalism, you have to go past civic nationalism.
5:55:00  Questions for me about the Noahide laws

5:58:00  Church of Entropy's ancestors some of whom were bishops.
6:00:00  Secular Koranism is a new school of sharia.
6:03:00  My diagnosis of why the West is degenerate
6:04:00  Idolatry
6:05:00  The Trinity is idolatry.
6:12:00  Two against one: Judaism and Islam against idolatrous Christianity
6:15:00  The Trinity
6:16:00  Idolatry
6:17:00  The logic of theology
6:18:00  The carpenter is not made of the same substance as the chair.
Word salad by Church of Entropy
6:24:00  We live in a matriarchy.
6:26:00  The Noahide laws
6:28:00  Church of Entropy: "Usury is useful."
6:28:30  Alexander Hamilton and the national debt
6:34:00  Consulting the governed about what they would like to do about Covid-19.
Does Islam offer any guidance on how to deal with Covid19?
Is theocracy the answer to the plague that is Covid-19?
6:43:00  Christianity is kaput.
6:45:00  Your race cannot be your religion.
6:46:00  Jews would be nothing without Judaism.
6:47:00  Different tribes have different gods. Tribal wars would be fought and the defeated tribes would accept that their gods had been defeated by the gods of the winning tribe.
7:03:00  The Koran is the only scripture that bans usury.

In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non-Jews.

7:10:00  If Church of Entropy came to power, it would be because her strategy was better than mine at acquiring power and she would do it through being better able to harness the stupid and bad people than I would be at getting the clever and good people to support me, probably because there will always be fewer clever and good people than there are stupid and bad people. But I will do my best anyway because I want to save the good and clever white people from the bad and stupid white people.

7:12:00  Rules are made to be followed and broken.
7:13:00  I propose to put Jews on a Register.

7:16:00  The Ten Commandments
7:17:00  The Christian defence to idolatry
7:19:00  The Trinity is idolatrous.
7:27:00  Christianity is kaput because most parents are parents of bastards.
7:29:00  No fault divorce, feminism, the Sex Revolution, the Frankfurt School, Cultural Marxism
7:31:00  Feminism bribes men with fornication.
7:32:00  The divorce rate in Hindus marriages
7:33:00  The link between illegitimacy and criminality is well-established.
7:35:00  India Has the Lowest Divorce Rate In the World
Know Your Legal Rights: Divorce Law In India
7:43:00  Anglo-Hindu law
7:46:00  Ketubah
7:48:00  No-fault divorce
7:57:00  The New Testament
8:01:00  Jesus never existed.
8:04:00  40, 12
8:07:00  JC, JC
8:56:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe and they do worship the most powerful entity conceivable.
8:58:00  The Abrahamic God
9:00:00  Heuristics
9:01:01  Jews and the Chinese
9:09:00  If the Chinese converted to Judaism ...
9:18:00  I am martyring myself for white people.
9:20:00  JON VANCE has renounced Secular Koranism.
9:23:00  Truth is an orphan.
9:24:00  "No man would have gotten away with the way you've treated me!"
9:25:00  A developing narrative
9:26:00  Muslims and Islam are Noahide.
9:32:00  Herd immunity
9:36:00  Coronavirus: science chief defends UK plan from criticism
Patrick Vallance says aim is to broaden peak of epidemic as Jeremy Hunt raises concerns
9:40:00  China v India for commercial enterprises
9:44:00  Stefan Molyneux
9:46:00  Herd immunity for Jews
9:47:00  "Moral architecture"
9:50:00  Slanted eyes
9:53:00  Contrast
9:56:00  Red haired and ginger people
9:59:00  Married people are K selected, parents of bastards are R selected.
10:01:00  I accept that Church of Entropy does not hate people.
10:04:00  Traditions
10:05:00  Reincarnation
10:08:00  Solon
10:14:00  The link between physical and moral laws
10:15:00  Submission
10:16 :00 Social status
10:17:00  Identity
10:18:00  The Buddha
10:19:00  Marc Gafni

10:25:00  Stefan Molyneux on Falun Gong
10:27:00  It is dishonest and cowardly of people like Mark Collett, Millennial Woes etc not to debate me while claiming my ideas are mad and silly.
10:30:00  Patriarchy
10:31:00  Money and religion
10:32:00  I deny I would privilege Jews.
10:33:00  Power
10:34:00  A Register of Jews
10:35:00  What is Jewish?
10:36:00  Jews were chosen by God to promote the Noahide laws.
10:37:00  Spinoza and Marx
10:38:00  The Chosen People have to believe and obey the God that chose them to promote the Noahide laws.
10:39:00  A covenant between God and Jews
10:41:00  Secular Koranism for atheists and agnostics
10:42:00  Church of Entropy accuses me.
10:43:00  Theocracy
10:44:00  The Vedas
10:45:00  A future stream with Jen and me on the decline of HInduism!
10:46:00  Church of Entropy talks about my tenacity.
10:47:00  Cognitive dissonance
10:48:00  Religion gives you answers and explanations.

Muslim religious scholars taught that the plague was a “martyrdom and mercy” from God, assuring the believer's place in paradise. For non-believers, it was a punishment.

10:50:00  Church of Entropy's hypothesis
10:51:00  Pythagoras

1 comment:

Unknown said...

disgusting stream, OV is the most egregious example of the disgusting american subhuman creature, your streams only have subhuman guests… no wonder you are subhuman yourself Claire