
Friday 27 March 2020

Discussing Covid-19 with a Jewish convert

3:00  Death toll
4:00  Global village
5:00  Herd immunity now!
6:00  India lockdown
7:00  Globalism
9:00  Developing a tolerance
10:00  Neurotic snowflakes, generation gap and male/female difference in reaction
11:00  NHS
12:00  Going shopping because there is nothing else to do
16:00  Plenty of fresh food and fresh vegetables
18:00  Jeremy Bentham's war, pestilence and famine
19:00  Dust bowl
20:00  Mandate of Heaven
21:00  Neoliberalism
22:00  2 year curfew
23:00  Locking us in like cats
24:00  Getting the worst of both worlds
26:00  Female and male attitudes as well as the rich and poor
27:00  Effeminate risk-aversion
28:00  Herd immunity
29:00  Incompetent politicians
30:00  Unforced errors
32:00  Chinese overreaction
33:00  Western governments had to overreact too to show they care about their people.
34:00  Equal outcome
35:00  Overreacting to show you care
38:00  Generation X and Millennials
39:00  2% mortality rate of Covid-19
42:00  Cotto-Gottfried
43:00  alt-right
44:00  The narrow definition of alt-right
46:00  Immigrants who are alt-right
48:00  Controlling the terms of debate
51:00  Week In Review
52:00  Vincent Bruno
53:00  Bitchute
54:00  Echo chambers
55:00  Saigon Green
56:00  Kicked out of John's Facebook group
1:00:00  Rabbinical opinion
1:01:00  Rabbi worship
1:02:00  What is the Torah?
1:03:00  The Talmud
1:04:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:05:00  Rabbis denouncing each other
1:07:00  Is the Mashiach coming?
1:08:00  Passover
1:09:00  Pesach in New York
1:12:00  The purpose of a Jewish life
1:13:00  Herd immunity, Christianity and the fall of empires discussed with OV and Church of Entropy
1:14:00  Doctrinal disputes of the Abrahamic faiths in the context of Covid-19 with Kashif Shahzada
1:15:00  Galut - Diaspora
1:16:00  Scattering Jews was God's way of civilising the world?
1:17:00  Troubling gentiles with the existence of Jews
1:18:00  Making gentiles ask questions about Jews and wonder about God
1:21:00  Should Jews evangelise?
1:23:00  Halacha
1:29:00  Converts
1:30:00  Tribal gods
1:31:00  Judaism offers the option of conversion
1:32:00  Accepting the same rules
1:33:00  Ruth
1:34:00  Naomi
1:36:00  Abraham
1:41:00  Jews have a better way of thinking.
1:42:00  Joseph
1:46:00  Jon Vance
1:47:00  Luke Ford
1:48:00  Desmond Ford

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