
Thursday, 27 September 2007

Bush and the Burmese

I have not been paying much attention to the Burmese "crisis" but I gather from the radio that Russia and China are against sanctions being imposed on the Burmese government proposed by Bush. Clearly, the world is in need of a balancing force against an increasingly irrational and insane American policy who wants to punish everyone else, from imaginary WMDs to not subscribing to the same "democratic" values and by defintion being in need of regime change.

Sanctions were imposed which isolated Burma, depriving the Burmese of an income from tourism amongst other things, impoverishing its economy, which must have contributed to the present crisis.

To show that they care, the Western powers are collectively wringing their hands now that the military junta are dealing firmly with the recalcitrant monks (now egged on by the Western media), and are now considering imposing further sanctions to make themselves feel better, whatever the consequences for the ordinary Burmese.

Soon, when the Domino Effect of the Credit Crunch has reached its devastating and depressing conclusion, we will have less of this nauseating and officious interference in other people's affairs, when the Western powers (but particularly the Anglo-Saxon economies) will find their attention drawn to the more immediate domestic problems of their own demonstrations and riots by their jobless and homeless middle classes.

Every cloud has a silver lining!


Anonymous said...

Sorry Claire but the real crime here is not that the US is finally waking up to the problems in Burma but that they didn't do it years ago. This regime is equally as evil as that in Iraq but because they are only suppressing their own people rather than (supposedly) threatening others the West has simply ignored them.

This is one of those rare occasions where Bush has actually done something right and it is very strange that you should choose to criticise him over this given your supposed support for individual rights and freedoms.

Claire Khaw said...

My support for individual rights and freedoms does not extend to telling everyone else what to do and then punishing them for not doing it!

If you INTERFERE in things that are no concern of yours (because they do not affect you), surely then it must mean you are being a bit Fascist (by which I mean unnecessarily bossy and aggressive)?

Not that I haven't been accused of this before, but I really truly do not want to interfere officiously in the affairs of others.

You get no thanks for it and just make things worse.

I am a Libertarian forgodsakes, not a do-gooding Liberal!!!!

Anonymous said...

You have proved time and time again that you have no concept of libertarian ideals nor of the concept of personal responsibility that accompanies such ideals.

Nor do you apparently have any idea what Fascism means and why it should be opposed. It is nothing to do with being bossy and agressive. You manage that very well enough yourslf. It has everything to do with believing in the 'greater good'. An evil concept by any reasoned measure.

Libertarians act according to a moral compass which by no means precludes helping ones friends and neighbours when we feel it is right. This is a lesson that you continue to fail to learn in spite of repeated prompting.

Claire Khaw said...

Tricks, you are in fact a Liberal do-gooder and I the true Libertarian. That is the difference. Other people in other countries in other continents can go to hell in their own way and I will not stop them nor wag my finger at them. You, however, were in favour of the Iraq invasion. This just goes to show that it is people like you we should watch out for, not people like Saddam Hussein, who bothered us not one jot.

What is your problem with the concept of "the greater good"? Or are you only interested in what YOU think is good for people like you?

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

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