
Thursday, 27 September 2007

Elderly and unable to feed oneself ....

It seems that, apart from neglect, abuse and all sorts of indignities that are now rife in homes for the elderly, the latest scandal is that those who cannot feed themselves are not fed. Trays of food would be brought to such patients and then taken away uneaten with no help offered to spoonfeed such unfortunates.

It strikes me that this ought to be the test for the viability of a life.

I shall certainly be quite happy to be "euthanased", were I to end up in a care home and unable to feed myself. What would be the point of feeding me and keeping me alive in these circumstances? Starving to death would be preferable to being fed like a baby.

No doubt the penny will eventually drop when we run out of migrant workers willing to work in our care homes. We may not have too much longer to wait before even migrant workers shun a country unable to pay its debts after decades spent living beyond its means, after the full consequences of the Credit Crunch become known.

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