It seems that the sad truth is that most British parents allow their adolescent children to have under-aged sex, probably under the paternal roof, and consider themselves to be sufficiently good parents if their under-aged children are given an adequate supply of condoms and contraceptive pills with which to start their sex lives ...
I am now expected to congratulate friends, family and neighbours who are the pathetically grateful grandparents of illegitimate grandchildren. They understandably feel they must acknowledge these little bastards, or else have no grandchildren at all to acknowledge.
I am aware of that most grandchildren these days are illegitimate anyway, even amongst the "respectable" middle classes, and most grandparents are too afraid to express disapproval of illegitimate grandchildren for fear of losing contact with their children altogether.
Fear not, O Frightened Grandparents to-be of Potentially Illegitimate Grandchildren! Your children will expect to inherit from you when you depart this world so really, you do have the whip hand. The option of disinheriting your children who have extra-marital offspring exists, subject to the provisions of The Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975.
Perhaps if you told them before they became sexually active that you will have a problem with illegitimate grandchildren, you could have nipped the problem in the bud?
I suspect most parents never get round to this. The embarrassment of undergoing this process and seeming, God forbid, eek, judgmental and illiberal, is enough to send most parents scurrying away into silence and avoidance.
I have been called vindictive and vengeful for seeking to make an example of Fiona McKeown, by suggesting that she be prosecuted for aiding and abetting under-aged sex. It is not that hard to prove that this feckless mother “arranged and facilitated the commission “of a child sex offence. After all, under s 14 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, Fiona McKeown "arranged and facilitated" something that another person will do "in any part of the world" (that constitutes a child sex offence as defined in section 9).
Even if she were not convicted, it would prove an uncomfortable time for her and those with similar parenting styles, would it not?
Fiona McKeown left her under-aged daughter in the care of her tourist guide boyfriend whom she knew was already committing statutory rape and would in all likelihood commit further similar offences while in his "care".
I am of course assuming that no self-respecting father would knowingly let some tourist guide he had just met on holiday have sex with his 15 year old daughter or would leave his daughter in the care of such a man. Or am I also deeply mistaken in this regard? It has been has suggested that my assumptions about what constitutes good parenting are rather “un-British” and out of line with current practice.
Unfortunately, it appears that my attempt to extract a moral from the tragic death of Scarlett Keeling, so that she did not die entirely in vain, has fallen on stony ground ...
Those of you who wish to show Fiona McKeown and people like her that better parenting styles exist in order to save her and other children from a similar fate, may wish to write to (1) the Chief Constable of the Devon and Cornwall Constabularly and (2) the Officer in Charge at Bideford Police Station along the following lines:
The Chief Constable
Stephen Otter
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary Headquarters
The Officer in Charge
Bideford Police Station
New Road
EX39 2BW
Dear Sirs
Since there is a direct connection between promiscuity, unmarried motherhood, family breakdown, bad parenting and a higher crime rate, it is surely time something is done about these forces that are proving so destructive to British society and other societies who adopt similarly low standards.
It is not that hard to prove that Fiona McKeown of Bideford “arranged and facilitated” the commission of a child sex offence. After all, under s 14 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, Fiona McKeown could be said to have "arranged and facilitated" something that another person will do "in any part of the world" (that constituted a child sex offence as defined in section 9).
Fiona McKeown left her under-aged daughter in the care of her tourist guide boyfriend whom she knew was already committing statutory rape and would in all likelihood commit further offences while in his "care".
Not only can a case be made out, it would be very much in the public interest to prosecute her to show the repugnance all decent right-minded folk ought to feel about this kind of “parenting”.
Yours etc
Vote: Should Scarlett Keeling's mother be prosecuted for aiding and abetting under-aged sex?

THE VOICE OF REASON Solon, (born c. 630 BCE—died c. 560 BCE), Athenian statesman, known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece (the others were Chilon of Sparta, Thales of Miletus, Bias of Priene, Cleobulus of Lindos, Pittacus of Mytilene, and Periander of Corinth). Solon ended exclusive aristocratic control of the government, substituted a system of control by the wealthy, and introduced a new and more humane law code. He was also a noted poet.
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This mother fights like a lion for your daughter. How can you be that bad to this mother? Are you that kind of people that thinks that women has earned to be raped, because they are out alone at night time or because they wear a mini skirt? Do you live in the 1800centuries? I am a mother too. I know goa and till the day 19.02.2008 I believed in Anjuna! I will never to there again! Fiona you are a great Mum!!! Love and Peace
from germany!!!
My comment to Anonymous in Germany is that Scarlett is dead because of her mother's decision to let her sexually active and underaged daughter behave like an adult. Fiona McKeown could have looked after her daughter a lot better.
Are you saying that if you were in Goa you would have done what Fiona McKeown did?
And if you now go to Goa you would be tempted to do the same thing to your 15 year old daughter, if you had one?
If not, then you must come to the conclusion that Fiona McKeown is a negligent mother!
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