
Tuesday, 22 April 2008

How a BNP canvasser might approach a Muslim householder


BNP canvasser knocks on Muslim householder. Door opens.
BNP: Good day, Madam/Sir. I am sorry to interrupt your prayers but I wonder if I could canvass your opinion on a number of issues.

Muslim: What do you want?

BNP: We were wondering what you feel about paying for the London Olympics. Are you pleased to pay as a Londoner to host it or would you prefer that the Olympics is held in Athens where we feel it really belongs, permanently? We would invite Athens to host the 2012 Olympics too, if they want. We find that most Londoners like this idea and wonder if you do too.

We know that you know we don't like you and you don't like us, but we are only canvassing your second vote.

How would you feel about voting for a party that would not have invaded Iraq if it had been in power or propped up Israel unconditionally, if it had been in power? You must know that quite a few of us at the BNP cannot decide whether we dislike Jews or Muslims more and would have left the Middle East well alone.

While you dislike us and think we want you out, may we remind you using your second vote on us on 1 May is quite safe?

Remember, the Labour Party which you are supposed to trust was the one who invaded Iraq and are even now plotting to enact more police state anti-terrorist legislation. We at the BNP have not messed up anyone's country and just want to be left alone, as you probably do.

I suppose you know that what would most upset the government is for us to do even better than they fear?

How would you feel about upsetting the government by using your second vote to vote BNP? A BNP mayor cannot repatriate anyone. And did you know we are offering to pay £50,000 - yes £50,000! - per ethnic to go home? We are not just proposing to chuck you out like Idi Amin did, you know.

Another issue is this, what do you feel about immigration? Do you share our concerns or are you just happy to have more people coming in?

Can you really not understand why white working class people might feel threatened and want to join the BNP?

Can you honestly say that if you were born white working class you yourself would not join the BNP?

If you can bring yourself to use your second vote as we hope you will, it would be great if you would let us know that you have done so and indeed tell others that you are proposing to do this. It is, haha, a bit like suicide voting without actually committing suicide, you know! If you do, we will give you free membership for a year and put your name down as a Martyr in the cause of upsetting and alarming our warmongering ruling classes.

You have nothing to lose anyway. You can vote for Ken who wants you to have your supermosque in Newham (or even Brian Paddick if you are tired of Ken) AND you can also vote for us to upset and alarm our ruling class! Talk about having your cake and eating it!

Oh, and the only anti-Muslim thing we have in our London manifesto is the banning of the niqab in public places and prevent more mosques being built - you already have plenty and are in any case still able to turn empty churches into mosques. I hope you can see that this is in the interests of the prevention of crime and terrorism. You are probably aware that criminals do disguise themselves as Muslim women in burqas. You also already know that the sight of women dressed as black crows just creates fear and loathing like nothing else and reminds people about what they see as the Muslim threat. As you can see, it is for your protection too.

We hope you will give this option your serious Islamic consideration and discuss it with your mosque elders.

Well, thank you for your listening, Mr/Ms Muslim Voter. I am sorry to have disturbed your prayers and hope you will consider using your second vote on the BNP, if you do indeed wish to upset our ruling classes, who are after all the ones who have invaded Muslim lands, who now limit the free speech of your imams, and occasionally raid your houses and shoot non-terrorist Muslims for no good reason, like those brothers in Forest Gate who grew a beard.

Lecture by Sean Gabb, Director of the Libertarian Alliance - "Islam - our enemy?"

Vote: Should the BNP also canvass the London Muslim's second vote for 1 May?


Anonymous said...

I think you'll get told to piss off long before you get to the end of your spiel. Oh sorry, is spiel the wrong word?

Claire Khaw said...

Oh, WON'T a brave nationalist try it on just once and tell me what happens?

You can always run when they start looking for their pitchforks in their sheds!

"Spiel" is precisely the right word!

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