
Monday, 21 April 2008

London Muslims "suicide voting" for the BNP?

My recommendation on how to make the best use of your second vote, ie to vote for Ken and BNP, is based on the fact that they are both anti-establishment and AGAINST INVADING IRAQ FROM THE START, which is good enough for me, and perhaps for any Muslims reading this.

Personally, I do not see why Islam could not become the happy medium between capitalism red in tooth and claw and an overweening nanny state, the happy compromise between a male-dominated society and the over-feminised society we have become, mutatis mutandis.


If so, they may wish to read this with particular attention.

If the BNP do well, they will be keen on doing even better.

If they become keen on maximising their support, they would have to consider lifting their colour bar, if to do so would significantly increase membership and win over those who are currently in UKIP and voting for UKIP.

The local elections last year (or was it the year before?) revealed that the BNP commanded 14% of the vote. UKIP had 12% and the LibDems 28%. If UKIP and the BNP merged and became a party that no longer operated a colour bar or wished for the repatriation of non-white citizens, they would very probably receive around 26% of the vote, if not much more, AND BE IN A POSITION TO INFLUENCE EVENTS.

If support for UKIP collapses after the BNP modernises itself, then the voter would at last have ONLY ONE Eurosceptic party with which to demand a referendum, rather than the current vote-splitting choice of two. (Unless there is a revolution, the BNP will have to play by the rules of the current system, and there is no imminent danger of a BNP government in any case.)

If the UK leaves the EU as a result of a referendum, then there is a chance Britain will once again become a sovereign nation state operating commonsense government, rather than remaining part of the EU, led by a discredited and ineffectual out-of-touch liberal elite, who are too dishonest and disorganised to tackle the urgent problems facing us now.


Because they were against invading Iraq from the beginning. Anyone who was at the anti-war demo in Hyde Park 2003, as I was, will know that the BNP marched with the Muslims, Jesse Jackson, Ken Livingstone and assorted groups, including the Socialist Workers' Party against the Iraq invasion.

Had there been a BNP government it would not have invaded Iraq - not in the national interest and "none of our business", you see!

Neither would a BNP government have supported the Israeli government unconditionally at the expense of the Palestinians. Many in the BNP cannot decide between whom they dislike more - Jews or Muslims. Therefore a BNP government would have been isolationist and non-interventionist.

What is important is that Boris (who voted for the war and has made Islamophobic comments) does not become mayor.

Muslims can safely vote for Ken and BNP because

(1) both were against the Iraq invasion

(2) both are anti-establishment (Ken is supposedly Labour but that is only because they know any rival Labour candidate would be a dead duck, as Frank Dobson was in 2000 -Ken had 40% of the vote, Dobson around 12%)

(3) it will upset and frighten all those of our ruling classes who pursue insane foreign policies that do no one any good

Any Muslims who can bring themselves to do what might be described as "suicide voting" should have the courage to declare his intentions and let it be known that this is what they have done, by posting a comment here and joining where there is a poll on precisely this issue.
Vote: Should Londoners vote BNP on 1 May 2008 to upset and alarm our ruling classes?

Remember, it was Tory and Labour who voted to invade Iraq and are even now planning to curtail our liberties further by using this "war" on terrorism as an excuse.

Think about it. Is the enemy of your enemy your friend? Is the government and its opposition your "friend" when it operates an insane foreign policy that is bad for all Britons and even now won't admit it?

Is the BNP really your enemy when it has committed no atrocity or messed up anyone's country? OK, they don't like you, but are you that surprised when they have seen their part of the country changed out of all recognition within such a short space of time?

Are you so sure you wouldn't join BNP if you happened to be working class and indigenous?

No? Then consider the evil already done by Labour and Tory (who voted for the war) whom you are supposed to trust. Compare and contrast that to the probability of the evil that might befall you if you used your protest vote in the way that would most upset the Tory and Labour warmongers (and those who would acquiesce with their war-mongering).

There is only one way to stay safe, be brave and make a point - vote Ken and BNP!


Anonymous said...

just to say that UKIP dont want out of th E.U and they are a puppet party that the establishment created just to stave off the vote for the BNP, because they are the only party with this country and its people in mind.
Have a look and tell your freinds!

Claire Khaw said...

I have heard UKIP described as "EUKIP" by some BNP wag.

The BNP want to have their own MEPs too, and I wonder why they too are so keen to follow in the footsteps of UKIP.

Gravy train comes to mind!

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