
Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Brown's Conference Speech

In the middle of an unfolding financial meltdown already compared to the 1929 Wall Street crash, our PM proposes the following:

  1. From next year, about 250,000 people with cancer will receive the free prescriptions - which could save them hundreds of pounds a year. Free prescriptions would be extended to cover patients will all serious illnesses in “the long term”. The change is estimated to cost £20 million over the next year, rising to £300 million a year over the long-term as more conditions are covered. The current prescription charge in England is £7.10 per item and often cancer patients are taking several drugs at once.
  2. free universal health check-ups for anyone aged over 40
  3. to help elderly people requiring nursing care to remain in their homes
  4. free nursery school places to all two-year olds
  5. Older children who fall behind at school will also be entitled to personalised “catch-up tuition”.
  6. a commitment to introduce new legislation to legally compel the Government to cut carbon dioxide emissions and child poverty as they have pledged to do. (Mr Brown said greenhouse gas emissions will now fall by 80 per cent, rather than 60 per cent, by 2050. Woo-hoo! Hooray! Yipee!)
  7. a new independent commissioner to represent the rights of victims of crime
  8. plans to offer free internet access to poorer families

Got this far?

Where is he going to find the money?

Does he think we are stupid? Or worse, is he stupid?

Nick "Tax Cut" Clegg still has my vote.

I wonder what Cowardly Cameron will say at the Brum Con-Con this weekend. Will he witter on about Compassionate Conservatism and sharing the proceeds of the Credit Crunch to cheers and standing ovations from the attending CaMoronians?

Do bears defecate in woods?

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