
Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Homespun wisdom on the Credit Crunch?

Much of the Credit Crunch seems analogous to the time when I fell over in the street.

Losing my balance while walking down the street, I was determined to stop myself from falling over. I struggled desperately to regain it, zigging and zagging, straining and flailing, nearly bumping into other pedestrians in my efforts to stay upright. In the end I still fell over anyway and ripped the knee of my new jeans.

My humiliation would have been less spectacular and rather shortened had I just accepted the inevitable.

Could this analogy be useful to central bankers thinking it is still a good idea to throw good money after bad?

Senator Jim Bunning, Republican:

"This massive bailout is not the solution, it is financial socialism, and it is un-American."

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett, called the market turmoil “an economic Pearl Harbor."

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