
Sunday, 5 April 2009

Abu Qatada "jail propaganda" denied

I frankly do not find Abu Qatada's views that Muslim should not be in the armed forces of any country who is an ally of Israel and the US (and this means us!) offensive or extreme.

It is commonsense really. I would regard myself as having wasted my time as a parent were any child of mine to declare an ambition to enter the armed forces (and be sent to invade Muslim countries in ruinous, futile and unpopular wars), become a porn star, a lap dancer, a single mother or enter X Factor.

Where I find myself at a parting of ways with him is when he issued an opinion on an Algerian cleric's fatwa in 1994, in which he backed the view that the killing of women and children by militants in Algeria was justified.

What do he and his supporters have to say about that?

Anjem Choudary of was asked at 0744hrs 5 April 2009: "Jason Burke's Al Qaeda p166 says Abu Qutada backed Algerian cleric's view that killing of women and children by militants in Algeria justified. Would you comment please?"

His response at 1102hrs 5 April 2009 was a simple "No".

Another question sent at 10:30hrs 5 April 2009: "Why not? Is it because you don't wish to defend such an indefensible view?"

and another sent at 1108 hrs 5 April 2009: "Or do you think the ends justify the means - an unIslamic view, surely?"

Neither questions received a response.

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