
Thursday, 9 April 2009

The Libertarian position against eugenics

My post on the subject

indirectly led to this article appearing about Jeff Marshall in Searchlight.

where he was taken to task. I had said in my post that in the same circumstances as David Cameron I would have committed infanticide, or asked the doctors to discreetly take the matter off my hands, as it were.

This was what Searchlight said of Jeff Marshall:

In a cruel and warped outburst against those who had expressed their condolences at the death of Ivan Cameron, Jeff Marshall (pictured), the central London BNP organiser, who lives in Whitechapel, wrote: “We live in a country today which is unhealthily dominated by an excess of sentimentality towards the weak and unproductive. No good will come of it.”

Not content with attacking those mourning the death of a severely disabled child who brought “joy and love to those around him”, Marshall continued in his sick tirade, stating that although it would be “a kindness” to kill children with disabilities, this was not the same as advocating such a measure as compulsory state policy. “But so what if it is,” he asked. “At least we would all know where we stand. There is actually not a great deal of point in keeping these sort of people alive, after all.”

I must make it clear that I would be against any say by the state over what parents do with their disabled children.

Were I in charge, I would certainly allow parents to rear their disabled children as pets, to be used as badges of compassion and martyrdom. They are free to turn their disabled children into objects useful for extracting pity and attention from friends, relatives and voters, if that is what they wish, provided it is at their own expense.

My position is therefore rigorously neutral and Libertarian. I do not share Jeff Marshall's apparent indifference to eugenics becoming state policy and would be vehement in my opposition.

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