"NHS tells school children of their 'right' to 'an orgasm a day'NHS guidance is advising school pupils that they have a "right" to an enjoyable sex life and that regular sex can be good for their cardiovascular health."
They will be teaching children how to masturbate next.
Is this country being engulfed in an unceasing effluent of insanity?
How much is Steve Slack, the director of the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health at NHS Sheffield, being paid to come up with this quasi-paedophiliac idea, if it is the case that he himself proposes to show them how to masturbate?
Perhaps we should all collectively masturbate to relieve our feelings of outrage while we watch Steve Slack being tarred and feathered on national TV.
If only such a show could be organised. Of Slack being tarred and feathered, I mean.
THE VOICE OF REASON Solon, (born c. 630 BCE—died c. 560 BCE), Athenian statesman, known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece (the others were Chilon of Sparta, Thales of Miletus, Bias of Priene, Cleobulus of Lindos, Pittacus of Mytilene, and Periander of Corinth). Solon ended exclusive aristocratic control of the government, substituted a system of control by the wealthy, and introduced a new and more humane law code. He was also a noted poet.
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Working with Young People suffering with HIV I know how important talking openly about sexual relationships is and offering support and advice on safe sex is vital.
Young people should not be made to feel afraid of sex and advising non-penatrative sex, mutual masterbation and petting can be an alternative to full sex for young people without needing to take the big step into full sexual experiences.
When they are ready however, it is important that they have the knowledge about safe sex and condom use.
Steve Slack and the staff at CHIV are doing a remarkable job in promoting safe and enjoyable sex for young people and should be congratulated on their hard work and dedication instead of this slanderous kind of material.
How about telling them not to do it?
And if they ignore all warnings, then they can die of AIDS, become sterile or diseased and no one will want to have sex with them anyway.
What is wrong with this sort of message? It is simple and effective, is it not?
But no liberal will accept this because there is just a chance it might work!
Liberals like solutions that are difficult, complex, expensive and unlikely to work.
Teaching children the Joy of Sex is only going to make the problem worse.
But we are going to hell in a handcart led by the most demented of sex-crazed liberals pursuing ever more societally-destructive ideas. Enjoy the ride, people!
I think that by telling young people not to do something, makes them want to do it even more! I know from experience that educaing young people using methods and strategies that work allow us to mkae positive changes to their health. Yes, often these are slow but changing habits of a society does take time..
I think the author has too much time of thier hands to be making personal attacks on people who are educated, professional and merely doing thier job. Keep it up Steve Slack.
If teenage sluts think it is OK to be teenage sluts then obviously they will keep doing it and graduate on to single mummery. It seems that Anonymous is not prepared to call these teenage sluts teenage sluts in order to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancy and single mummery.
He/she would rather teach them how to masturbate instead.
Yet he/she would presume to tell me what to do with my time.
The tragedy is of course that people like him/her are already in charge and telling us what to do, with the results that we can see all around us of a basketcase society.
In full support of Anonymous - the theme of this blog/post is absolutely ridiculous. "Teenage Sluts" well need I say any more of the mentality of the owner of these comments. I could construct a sensible argument to challenge the sheer stupidity of his/her remarks but i feel i would be wasting my time on an idiot who is attempting to raise some sort of juvenile reaction and slanging match over the internet.
I will say that people (Yes people, not just young people) have a right to understand the full functions of their own body, it is up to the few dedicated, hardworking and yes poorly paid professional informal and formal educators to shoulder this responsibility on behalf of the young people who would not get it anywhere else. Masturbation is a massive part of this and in context yes young people should be aware of what it is and dispel any myths around it.
Simply telling young people not to do it, not only doesn’t work (as evidenced in more research than I care to mention) but you would be a fool to think it would. There are cultures and religions that forbid premarital sex, yet young people sway from the cloth more regularly than advertised, thank god for confidentiality. Telling them they will get AIDS and die is simply an uneducated view. Compare this to if you go out of the house you may get run over from a bus and die so let’s all stop leaving the house! MORON!
“Single Mummery” as you referred to it is a societal concern which is generations old, not the fortune of young women who choose to have sex. A 40 year old woman who has been left by their partner of 20 ish years leaving behind children is a single mom. What I assume your level of intelligence or (and here is the benefit of the doubt people) articulation missed was Teenage Parents (Within the context of this discussion) Many people who have had children early in life 16-25 are very successful parents (Mothers and yes Fathers) often holding down family life, studying, working full time and indeed job seeking for some. I know not of one young man or woman that lights my doorway as idle or state scrounging scum, very few utilise illegal substances and even fewer rely on Mommy and Daddy to pick up the slack. Again ‘we’ as a generation have shifted what seems to be acceptable, married and 2 kids by 25 seems too young these days, yet my and the majority of my peers parents were married had a house and a job and a child on the way by the age of 25.
I suppose my little rant here could be concluded by saying to the owner of the vicious, slanderous comments to grow up, do some reading into the issues they are spouting about or be prepared to be challenged on each and every single dumb sentence you are stupid enough to allow to leave your lips.
“it is better to be thought of as a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt!”
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