
Monday, 7 September 2009

The BNP to accept non-whites

It seems that, without realising it, the Equality and Human Rights Commission have helped give the BNP a leg-up.

Firstly, it gave them the excuse to lift the colour bar - something that would otherwise be a bit of a problem with their core membership.

Secondly, it will give them the opportunity to do a bit of housekeeping and tidying up as regards their horribly undemocratic constitution (but which is actually more democratic than the Conservative Party's - so shocking that it is not to be found anywhere on the Internet).

Thirdly, it will give them lots of free publicity. All political parties love this.

Fourthly, it will result in their becoming more electorally acceptable and therefore more influential.

Fifthly, it will give the chance for the more integrated non-whites who are also tired of being traduced for daring to complain about immigration to take the opportunity of showing their Britishness.

Sixthly, it could well be an opportunity for a very ironic kind of inter-racial co-operation to be demonstrated very soon.

Three cheers for the EHRC! Hip hip hooray!


Anonymous said...

You missed one out: that you could join this happy band of moronic thugs and could talk to some people.

No comments for your posts time after time. Must be lonely. If only you could join the people just like you. But they would not like your slitty eyes. WAAAAAA!!

why not stfu up now? no one is listening to this boring crap

Claire Khaw said...

Hmmmm. Now, was this brave yet anonymous comment made by a BNP supporter or someone who is one of their opponents?

What do you think, dear reader?

Anonymous said...

Lol - if u cant work that out, u must be even more stupid than i thought.

still u got one comment eh? one thread without ZERO COMMENTS by them

so be grateful u silly cow

Claire Khaw said...

I had worked that out thanks, but was just pointing out that your previous comment was meant to give offence on racial grounds, and suggesting that you are just as racist as the people you regard as racists. I hope this is now clear.

Jeff Marshall said...

'Anonymous' sounds like one of those thuggish Searchlight goons.

What sad little lives these people must lead.

When right-thinking ethnic minorities are able to oppose future immigration (and openly support the one party that will stop it), we shall see some progress.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Ur so funny... thats what the bnp would say to u. get it now? what a dumb bitch!

U still doing deals with them btw? or were they too busy trying to repatriate u? hahahaha.

and btw, Jeffy boy, the bnp aint going anywhere. they couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery. bunch of jokers.

Claire Khaw said...

Anonymous, with the way the country is going now, I wish they *would* repatriate me, with a nice resettlement grant!

Wouldn't you like to be able to leave the UK with a tidy sum of money? Bet lots of white people wouldn't mind being paid to go either! £50K I think it was.

Thank you, Anonymous, for indulging me in this lively correspondence. It is nice to know that you care enough to keep me company and read my nonsense.

As you so wisely suggested, abuse is preferable to neglect.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...