
Monday, 7 September 2009

Prevention is better than cure

Barnardo's is of the opinion that removing potentially feral children from obviously unfit parents early would save a few lives and the general public from being upset by more scummy never-married mummies with scummy boyfriends who kill their children, or scummy parents who bring up scummy children who kill and torture other people's children for their amusement and entertainment.

Why does the government not take this idea to its logical conclusion and discourage the reproductive choices of sluts, slags and slappers?

The withdrawal of universal child benefit would be a start.

These women, though uneducated, are not completely stupid and will know on which side of their bread is buttered. They will soon stop indulging their low-life tastes if they know there is no financial reward in a lifetime of unmarried parenthood bringing up their variously-fathered feral children at taxpayer expense.

Educated middle class careerwomen are now doing the same. Mary F Pols, a writer and film critic, has now written a book about how she got pregnant "accidentally on purpose". A sitcom glamorising her story suggests that this societal cancer is most probably terminal.

Once the illegitimate outnumber the legitimate, civilisational extinction becomes inevitable.

Think of a whole civilisation dying of gangrene and you will get the idea.

Making bastardy and divorce a disgrace again would be an obvious solution.

Unfortunately, this shows no signs of happening because single British men want cheap and easy access to their infamously promiscuous women.

Married men are too frightened of being divorced by their wives, ie having their property confiscated and being deprived of their children, simply for questioning the benefits of feminism.

Most women are too dim and insecure to give up their rights. They also lack the objectivity to see the effects of female promiscuity on society as a whole.

Members of the British political classes are too cowardly, promiscuous, proud and stubborn to make this link. They are also too "compassionate", apparently.

Perhaps the best way of putting it is that they are all too pussy-whipped and enjoy that experience a little too much than is strictly good for them.

The patriarchy has been all but destroyed. Why do we never hear of matriarchies? Because they were all invariably primitive and had no written means with which to record their tragic folly.

The ever-lowering standards of British "education" is entirely due to the female-dominated educational establishment progressively dumbing-down to accommodate the unsocialised little bastards who form a significant intake of state schools.

Soon, the innumerate, illiterate and illegitimate British will be living like animals, copulating with anything and in all the combinations we fancy, just like the Bonobo, producing illegitimate feral children and no doubt eating them or killing them as the mood takes us, and behaving and living just like the animals that we are so sentimental about.

1 comment:

subrosa said...

I would agree with you that something radical has to be done to stop this nonsense.

Firstly it was the removal of parents' consent (ie for birth control, STDs etc), and it's all been downhill since then. Shame and embarrassment were removed from unmarried pregnancies and now they seem nearly the norm.

You're absolutely right in saying child benefit should be withdrawn. Most young women think 'what's in it for me' these days.

In another couple of generations time few children will be able to trace their roots. What a hellish society we've become.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

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