
Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Thoughtcrime, Hate Crime and Equality before the Law

Why has gay bashing risen by 20% in London, ie in the Tower Hamlets - a predominantly Muslim area? Is it because the Muslims (whose Koran informs them that homosexual acts are sinful) are beating up gays more than any other group?

Is it anything to do with the increasingly militancy of homosexuals and how they are perceived to be a sort of gay mafia taking over the country and given special privileges, and the "gayer than Labour" message the Tories are trying to give?

When two groups protected by PC legislation are in conflict with each other, who wins?

Hate Crime (ie assaulting or killing someone because you hate them) attracts a higher penalty than if you did not particularly hate them.

Why on earth would you attack or kill someone if you did not hate them?

So, attacking a homosexual, disabled person or someone on religious or racial grounds, would attract a higher penalty than if you attacked a member of the BNP, would it?

How does this square with the principle of equality before the law?

It's official then, is it, that here in the UK there is no equality before the law?

There is a very simple Libertarian solution to this: repeal all hate crime, which is but thoughtcrime. If you punish properly those who kill and attack others, then there would be no problem, would it?

It is just possible that our legislators have got their knickers in a twist and have had their knickers in a twist for a very long time.

1 comment:

Jeff Marshall said...

"Why has gay bashing risen by 20% in London, ie in the Tower Hamlets - a predominantly Muslim area? Is it because the Muslims (whose Koran informs them that homosexual acts are sinful) are beating up gays more than any other group?"

Tower Hamlets is over 50% Bangladeshi, and therefore over 50%Muslim.

On the other hand it also has a sizeable gay population, especially in the Shoreditch area (although strictly speaking that is Hackney).

The teenage Asian gangs who drink, deal drugs and spend a great deal of time attacking one another, are not behaving in a particularly Muslim way.

The reason the Pakis are attacking the queers is simply that they live alongside one another.

It is circumstantial.

The Pakis barely need to cross the road to find queers to attack.

They wouldn't, say, bother to make a nocturnal journey to Clapham Common in order to find copulating gays to assault.

If there were no gays on *their* territory they wouldn't be attacking them.

You ask: "When two groups protected by PC legislation are in conflict with each other, who wins?"

Scummy Asian gangs are
not 'protected by PC legislation'.

They are thugs, pure and simple.

And that is how the courts tend to treat them, regardless of whom they attack - indeed, even when they attack each other.

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