
Friday, 29 January 2010


You stick your finger somewhere hot. It gets burnt. You say OUCH. The instinct would be to WITHDRAW your finger PRONTO, but in our strange new world, we cannot, for some reason, because we have to preserve the reputations of our already discredited politicians. So have to wait another 18 months to do so while our hand is being roasted ....

In the meantime, parties who were against the war from the beginning are too cowardly to suggest that troops who are on leave go AWOL and troops who are on active service MUTINY in what is after all an ILLEGAL war.

In the meantime, also, a US President who doesn't understand the first thing about economics is talking about spending as if he were about to offer another bottle of gin to somebody already dying of alcohol poisoning.

A clever Jew used to be Chairman of the Fed. Now a stupid Jew who indiscreetly and arrogantly talked of throwing money out of helicopters has been re-appointed.

The Americans have clearly been losing their marbles for a while now. Now they have lost most of their marbles and most of their money and are about to become a Banana Republic.

And still they spend taxpayers money to preserve Bush and NeoConnery.

And the British poodle along unquestioningly.

Strange but true, dementia and doom.

The conference in London yesterday on Afghanistan was an unofficial but unmistakable admission of defeat. We have lost but we need to stay there and get killed for another 18 months so we can pretend we haven't lost and most important of all, haven't lost face. Soldiers who die from now on die to save the reputations of Bush, Blair and Brown. At the expense of the taxpayer. Time to go AWOL and mutiny? I would have thought so.

So, are the BNP going to ask for yet more donations from their hard-pressed members to end the war or are they actually going to tell the troops to go AWOL if they are on leave or MUTINY if they are already in Afghanistan? It is after all an ILLEGAL war and white boys are just dying for Bush, Blair and Brown who are yesterday's men. I think they are just gonna pussyfoot round this crap like the pussies they are, and ask for more money from their members rather than risk any trouble.

This project — which some sources said would cost the British taxpayer an additional £72 million — would see a programme of “job creation” in Afghanistan and the paying of Taliban soldiers to stop fighting and “defend their own villages.”

The mad plan proposes that at least 12,500 Taliban fighters will be paid cash to stop fighting because they have “nothing else to do.”

According to the Department for International Development, British taxpayers are already committed to £510 million in direct aid to Afghanistan over the next four years.

This money is mostly channelled through the Afghan government — which means they spend it on what they want. In this way, the new “peace plan” will see former Taliban fighters such as five senior Taliban regime figures and associates of Mullah Omar (who were all mysteriously removed from a United Nations’ sanctions list yesterday) given jobs, paid for by the British taxpayer.

The removal of former confidants of Mullah Omar from the UN sanctions list is a clear indicator that the Afghan government will now try to bring back the Taliban into the central government as a partner.

This move is endorsed by both Tory and Labour parties who both fail to see that this defeats the objective of their illegal war in the first place.

What the latest “plan” means is that:

- The original illegal invasion has now been made pointless;

- 250 British soldiers have died for nothing;

- The billions which the taxpayer has paid out for the war will now be topped off with further millions to pay out cash to the Taliban fighters who killed those British soldiers;

- The Taliban will end up back in the Afghan government, which only keeps going because of the already existing British taxpayer-supplied foreign aid grants.

All this money and all those lives SQUANDERED on an ILLEGAL war that we were bound to lose anyway.

If the war SHOULD be ended then it MUST be ended.

If it MUST be ended it must be ended AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

If it must be ended as soon as possible then it means exactly that, not pussyfooting around crap just like all the other parties.

Vote: Should the BNP recommend mutiny to the troops in Afghanistan to end the war as soon as possible?

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