
Thursday, 11 March 2010

An analysis of the demons in the BNP psyche and the British class system

The stubborn racial exclusiveness of the BNP makes it awkward for people who like their policies to openly support them, for no one wants to be seen as a turkey voting for Christmas.

Only now, forced by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, they are grudgingly opening their doors to non-whites even though they were nagged as long ago as 2004 by Le Pen to lift their colour bar.

In just the same way that Muslims have the best religion but the worst salesmen so do the BNP have the best policies but the worst salesmen.

I can only equate their immaturity to children who start sentences beginning with "I want ... "

When they learn a few social skills, they will start sentences that begin with "It is such a lovely day, shall we go shopping/to Legoland, Mum and Dad? It would be so nice to spend a family day together!" or wherever the child wants you to take it."

Grow up, please, for the sake of your own people (white) and for the sake of non-white people who want your policies that are so beneficial for the lower middle classes of all races.

We already know how you feel about the presence of the foreigners whom you so dislike.

To continue complaining would be as graceless as to keep reminding your friend that his features are ugly and his skin pockmarked. What good would it do?

If you want to exterminate or expel us all you cannot do so without coming to power and you cannot come into power by being a social retard, because not enough people will vote for social retards.

Another sign of maturity would be if you dropped voluntary repatriation from your manifesto. At the moment talking about it makes you feel naughty and bold, just like adolescents using their first swear word.

We non-whites know that if you could press a button you would make us all disappear into a puff of smoke or turn on the blender you want to put us all in. But since you are where you are and you have no magic wand to turn back time you will just have to do things the slow painful way - through the political process.

Like unsocialised children, they say: "It's not fair!" and "I want ... " "We were never consulted about immigration," naively thinking that anyone ever cares about the poor, especially the ones who are seething with resentment and grievance against their elders and betters and the great and the good.

It is perhaps fair to say they are not very bright. If they were they would be in good well-paying jobs, with homes in leafy suburbs like Camberley, Surrey, and not forced to live amongst the foreigners they so despise.

You must also make allowances for their intelligence and social retardation. Many of them are still burst into revenge fantasy rants about what they would like to do with the ragheads, blacks or whatever, not caring who may be listening or reading, because it makes them feel better.

It is the equivalent of having a temper tantrum.

They cannot help it, being mostly singly-parented and state educated and mostly lower middle class - the outcasts of the British class system.

Let us hope they grow up soon and learn a few more social skills, for those of us who care about immigration, the EU, want schools to teach and criminals to be punished, but are too frightened of being tarred by the BNP brush and called Evil Racist Fascist Extremist Knuckle-dragging Neanderthals or worse, lower class racists.


Michael Wood said...

Maybe if you participated in the BNP blog community you could get your POV across.

Adolfo said...

And you called this an issue? You should read or listen to the arguments of white American supremacists who are hysterical about the tide of brownie Mexicans who are flooding all the US. I have never been to England, I just read the papers or some sites to know what is going there, but I think they have the same scotoma the Americans have every time they addressed the topic. Sure the Britons don’t like the darkies who now live inside the gates of the Imperium. Just a little friendly historical reminder: If today there are millions of Hindus, Pakistanis, Caribbeans, Africans and any darkie else living in England is because mass numbers of English were in India, Pakistan, the Caribbean and every corner of the World invading, conquering, raping, robbing, brutalizing and dispossessing entire cultures, nations and continents. Of course they have explained us that those adventures were nothing but a gracious and generous civilizing process we should be grateful to be gifted. However, the historical process was set and has its own dynamics. They are in England because the Britons were in their countries. What? Did the British establishment treason its people by opening the gates of uncontrolled immigration to introduce conflict and destroy the virtuous white race through miscegenation? Really? Well, tell me the last time the Royalty, the Lords, the financers and the bourgeoisie did something for their beloved people. The English caste system makes looks India as a convention of the US Democrat Party. The British rulers have always deeply despised the underclass, today, maybe more than ever since the average British young is pretty much like a character from the movie “Trainspotting”: poor, fat, uneducated, addict, STD infected and disposable. Is all of this part of a Zionist conspiracy to destabilize and destroy Christianity and white majority countries like the USA and Europe as a plan of World dominance. Well, if this true, I would say that the Zionists have been calling the shoots all this time, mastering the whole World and all the races, including the white. So, maybe the white race is not that great after all.

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