
Saturday, 8 May 2010

Post mortem on BNP wipe-out and recommendations for improvement

May 7 saw the wipe-out of the smaller parties, Respect and BNP:

In Bethnal Green & Bow as well as Poplar & Limehouse, RESPECT was comprehensively defeated by Labour.

Perhaps this is due to the electorate knowing that the party in government is more capable of delivering on its bribes than a minor party and cynically voting as the briber paid them to do.

The BNP do have a problem and they do not really know exactly why they are so despised. (It is not just because they are racist, though.)

All poor people are despised. Poor whites in this country are particularly despised because they remind liberals of the failure of their policies.

Helping poor starving Africans is always somehow more emotionally appealing than helping their own obese white single mothers on benefit with their variously-fathered children.

The BNP also have this other apparently insuperable problem - the fact that women are half the electorate.

Women at heart have a horror of poor low-status men. They find them frightening, if not actually repulsive. They are however prevented by PC from admitting this even to themselves, because they like to think of themselves as kind, compassionate and nurturing. The fact that these men are meant to be racist and therefore evil gives them an excuse to shun them, but, really, they are looking for a protector and a provider, or, not to put too fine a point on it, a meal ticket for life. A poor man represents an unattractive prospect in meal ticket terms.

Most women are not up to taking the flak that goes with being associated with being the spouse or girlfriend or even the platonic friend of a known racist.

Most men, who are only after One Thing and want to look after Number 1, know that it would be impolitic to allow themselves to be tainted by association with the poor and despised.

It would affect their career prospects and without a good job earning good money, women would shun them.

For one thing they wouldn't get any nookie.

Shag a racist girls? Er, thanks, but not today. Shag a poor racist whose education, training and values are so abysmal he cannot compete with foreigners? You can guess the answer.


  1. Attract the middle class vote.
  2. Make the party safe for people like Jeremy Clarkson, Rod Liddle, Peter Hitchens, Melanie Phillips.
  3. Be well-dressed and well-groomed.
  4. Challenge feminism. Women will hate you at first, but, if you offer them a viable alternative, they may even thank you for it later, and admire you for your courage.
  5. Forgive people like Jeremy Clarkson, Rod Liddle, Peter Hitchens, Melanie Phillips etc who have been kicking you in the teeth yet agreeing with your policies for years now but who keep saying how vile, nasty, racist, Nazi and evil the party is. (This is because they have dependents and are understandably reluctant of losing their jobs or being victimised by the Leftists who would destroy their reputations.)
  6. Make the party safe for people like Jeremy Clarkson etc and make it profitable for MPs of the more established parties to jump ship.
  7. Never mention repatriation of anyone except illegal immigrants.
  8. Never mention miscegenation again. Far easier to threaten to disown and disinherit any child of yours who offends you with his or her reproductive choice. (If you haven't even any property you could withhold from your hypothetical child to punish them for for going against your wishes, or if they just don't care what you think of them, then suffer the punishment of being a useless parent whom your child neither loves nor fears!)
  9. Promise the return of fault in divorce so your ex-wife isn't entitled to half your property and able to deprive you of your children when you have really done nothing wrong and she is just bored and irritated with you.
  10. Use IC codes at to distinguish Britons of all races. White people are Number 1, by the way! No more distinction between ethnic and civic Britons because that would be "racist" but really because it is divisive.
  11. Offer training courses in social graces with a special membership discount.
  12. Offer training courses in grooming and dressing with a special membership discount.
  13. Offer training courses in public speaking with a special membership discount.
  14. Interview all potential members, allowing admission only to those who fulfill minimal standards of the above-mentioned qualities.
  15. Offer membership of the BNP Debating Society with a special membership discount.
  16. Offer ballroom dancing classes with a special membership discount.
  17. Offer the services of a marriage bureau including the drafting of a BNP marriage contract (rather like a Muslim marriage contract with a special membership discount.
  18. Offer the services of a marital relationship bureau with a special membership discount.
  19. Offer the services of a marital dissolution service with fairer terms to men (and quite similar to Muslim divorces where custody is awarded to men after the child reaches a certain age unless there are compelling reasons for not so doing) than is currently available from UK family courts, with a special membership discount.
  20. Offer courses at a Wives and Mothers Training School for aspiring wives and mothers, with a special membership discount.
  21. Establish a BNP travel club where members of all races could bond with each other while visiting and learning about different countries and cultures.
  22. A BNP clothes shop with well-cut clothes that are modest and elegant that members could wear like uniform - if they so wished - so they never make a sartorial error ever again, with a special membership discount.
  23. A BNP Cookbook consisting of the favourite recipes of members, with a special membership discount. (This could become a collectors' item!)
  24. Change the BNP logo to something resembling the Tesco one using the same fonts and colours to give the impression of being an organisation that is getting bigger and better.
  25. Have some over-arching big idea - such as a one-party state that affirms the principle of a small state and limited government under a narrower taxpayer-only franchise which properly protects the rights of its members against the leader and his cronies and operates government by referenda AKA direct democracy.
  26. State in no uncertain terms that if the working classes want British jobs for British workers, they had better do what they are supposed to do and start working again, to the extent of even taking a crap job that they feel is beneath them and demeaning, such as picking fruit and cleaning toilets, without pissing off their employers and telling them how well they know their rights.
Eric Hoffer:

"The most effective way to silence our guilty conscience is to convince ourselves and others that those we have sinned against are indeed depraved creatures, deserving every punishment, even extermination. We cannot pity those we have wronged, nor can we be indifferent toward them. We must hate and persecute them or else leave the door open to self-contempt."

The Nazis did it to the Jews. White liberals do it to their own working classes. If they could they would press a button that would exterminate all the white urban proletariat by blowing them up in their tower blocks, and swiftly replace them with foreign workers rather than have to go to the trouble of teaching the white working classes anything worth learning that would make them employable. To use tried and trusted traditional teaching methods or discipline would after all be "fascist" and they would rather die than give up any part of their self-image of compassion and tolerance.

The sky may fall around their ears and their civilisation in the process of being destroyed, yet they would still cling slavishly to the idea of indiscriminate tolerance and compassion for the feckless, criminal and viciously destructive.

Liberals are as evil as the Nazis in the sense that they both harmed the very people they were meant to help. It is the 21st century version of human sacrifice.

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