
Monday, 7 June 2010

Hitler's contribution to the establishment of the state of Israel should be acknowledged

If it hadn't been for Hitler Zionism would still be dead in the water. Why do Zionists never acknowledge Hitler's contribution to the establishment of the State of Israel? The laws against Holocaust Denial are there to prevent the denial of Hitler's massive contribution of 5 to 7 million Jews.

When they celebrate the birth of their nation, does it occur to them to celebrate Hitler's birthday too? (It is 20 April 1889 if anyone's interested.)

This was what made Western Christian guilt kick in after they acknowledged centuries of being nasty to the Jews. Anti-Semitism was and remains endemic in the West. (It should be pointed out that the Semitic races include Arabs too. Hatred of Jews and Muslims remains sustained and visceral in 21st century Culturally Christian Europe.)

Now, is there something about Trinitarian Christianity that makes Christians particularly intolerant of any forensic analysis of its doctrine?

There used to be laws that made it very inadvisable to deny the Trinity if you want to hang on to your job or your life.

Why would people wish to deny the Trinity? Because it is reasonable to do so, I would have thought. It is such a dishonest and irrational doctrine that many ignorant white people who call themselves Christians are not even aware that they are supposed to believe in it. This is because of the "bums on pews" policy of desperation that lets anyone in, promoted by an Anglican Church who represent a religion that is no longer fit for purpose.

All the Abrahamic faiths are meant to promote family values. Anglican Christian doctrine does not quite manage this, does it?

Many Christians are made to recite the creed without comprehension. You can be sure it exists because it is only the non-European Christians who know what it's all about. They at least know what the deal is: believe that Christ is the Divine Son of God and you will be saved from hell, whatever your sins.

Still not quite getting it?

Let me simplify it then:

"It is not enough to believe in God. You have to believe that Christ is also Divine Son of God. Sorry, but this the non-negotiable essence of Christianity. That is why the Jews, Muslims and Unitarians are gonna roast in hell. The Inquisition was to save these people from themselves."

The Inquisition was what happened when too many Jews and Muslims started denying the Trinity. Only something like the Inquisition could shut them up good and proper.

The Koran explicitly denies the trinity because it is irrational and amoral. To say God is One in Three is still polytheism and idolatry. Well, it is, isn't it?

Does it sound a bit like a liberal democracy invading other countries to save them for themselves? For their own good? Like Iraq and Afghanistan? You betcha!

Christian guilt thus saw it is as politic to rob the land of Peter Arab to pay Paul Zionist as well as to conduct the occasional pogrom.

Why do the words "Christian" and "hypocrisy" go hand in hand?

We hate and fear the people we have wronged.

Does a religion that makes you declare a lie to be truth have an effect on your intellect and your morals and indeed your very civilisation?

It can be seen that the period of Roman decline can be linked to Constantine's conversion of his empire to the religion of women and slaves.

Is it not about time we disestablished the Church of England, and put something more fit for purpose in its place?

I don't suppose this country is quite ready for a Mosque of Britain, but it would probably be as well to start talking about it, to prepare the ground, rather as Cameron today is now gingerly preparing us for changes in our lifestyle expectations and what diminished expectations we ought to have have of the state for the next few decades ....

I can already think of a lecturer in divinity who would make an excellent Ayatollah of Cambridge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be fair, I think they honour Hitler in imitating his repressive laws and dislike for Christianity!

Chris H

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