
Thursday, 8 July 2010

A rapprochment between British Nationalism and Libertarianism?

BNP Chairman Nick Griffin praises Sean Gabb's book Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost England, and How to Get it Back which can be obtained at Excalibur, the merchandising arm of the BNP,-Culture-War:-How-Conservatives-Lost-England,-and-How-to-Get-it-Back.html?shop_param=cid%3D64%26aid%3D116%26

About time too.  There is nothing inconsistent with an ideology of the British National Interest and an ideology that proposes fewer laws and lower taxes, as well as the repeal of all totalitarian liberal THOUGHTCRIME legislation.

While Holocaust Denial is not a crime in this country, people tend to  behave as if it were.  Any intelligent discussion of Nazi Germany invariably brings you to the controversial subject of how many Jews were killed and whether Hitler intended to exterminate them ab initio.  Before you get the chance to explain that Holocaust Denial does not in fact mean you deny that any Jews were killed by Nazi Germany, you will have been declared a social pariah and died a social death.  

A more detailed analysis of Holocaust Denial can be found at

Please do not attempt to engage the Chairman in discussion with this matter, however.  You will draw a blank for he does not wish to risk imprisonment.  His position as MEP requires that he visits Brussels regularly and this would put him in danger of imprisonment, and we all know that David Irving did time for this in Austria.

There is also the quaint concept of hate-crime. It would appear that it is now a crime to say something that would offend a protected group of people.  (This is called "hate-speech" - a species of totalitarian liberal legislation forbidding the feeling and expression of hatred of people in a legally-protected group.  Indeed, it is liberally decreed that one must love everyone and everything, not hurt anyone's feelings, and not cause anyone to hate you in return.  If you do say something that causes you to be hated by liberals, you cannot apparently drop the charges against yourself.  Something like that anyway. )

Unfortunately, these are not matters that can be discussed in academia, for we do not in fact have academic freedom.

Dennis Hayes, who fronts an organisation called Academics for Academic Freedom
has, I suspect, warned a certain Rania Hafez off me.  James Panton of the Manifesto Club ("for freedom in everyday life")  has also defriended me.  I wonder if these academic idiots even see the contradiction in their behaviour, or are they just too scared or stupid with double-think to get it now?

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