
Saturday, 18 September 2010

Each new generation might as well be a different race ...

Passengers in a railway carriage, 1950. These people are in a party of workers from a boot factory in Leicester going to London for a day trip. It was common for employers to put on trips for their workers, and special trains were often put on for such excursions.

... if the current generation does not bother transmitting its values and customs.

If only I could convince my BNP buddies that the problem is not really about race, but a failure of transmission.

Even families with two married biological parents often fail in transmitting the values of their generation to their children.

Think how much worse would the result be from single parent families.

That is why Western civilisation is fucked by feminism AKA matriarchy AKA a gradual then escalating descent into barbarism and decline.

Will the current generation even succeed in transmitting their empty values of sex and shopping, whingeing and binge-drinking to the next?  They won't even be able to do that if they spend their children's inheritance, will they? for more CHAV and pikey photos - to picture how other nations picture the British now. 


Invictus_88 said...

How would you counter the argument often made that all modern generations are sufficiently different from the preceding that it feels like a cultural discontinuity?

The modern examples are teddy boys, mods/rockers, punks and flappers, though one can draw a more extreme line between the way in which Anglo-Saxon culture was all about status symbols, personal honour, and weapons.

Claire Khaw said...

I am afraid I don't really understand your question. If you rephrase it I might be able to.

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