
Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Unequal Opportunities, BBC2, 20 September 2010, Why UK Education is so crap

Typical class war crap the liberal (AKA Commie - let's not mince our words) establishment is blaming the parlous state of British education on.

Rich kids have access to good schools, private tuition, music lessons and books at home. Poor kids get started with a liberal dose of "progressive" education, one-parent families and are sent to the nearest sink school with other loser kids and loser teachers.

Unofficial Quality Guide to Schools: The fewer male teachers there are the more crap the school is going to be. We all know how disgracefully female-dominated the teaching profession is, and how they conspire to big up the achievements of girls while denigrating and marginalising boys. (Male teachers are probably in daily terror of being accused of sexual harassment or paedophilia by malicious female teachers who take a dislike to them because they dare to disagree with them over anything.) 

With no male role models in either primary or secondary schools for these singly mothered children it is no wonder they go off the rails.

Singly mothered children and single mothers are of course sacred cows that cannot be questioned and criticised, in our totalitarian feminist state.

I bet John Humphrys will not be committing the lese majeste of suggesting that feminism and the female-dominated teaching profession is responsible for the depths of the disgrace that is British education, which is run with the apparent purpose of making the British male even more useless than he already is.
 20 September 2010 at 08:04

Selective education is the answer of course, and the return of grammar schools, but, apparently, these days, if you ask for such a thing you belong to the lunatic fringe or the "Far Right" - both UKIP and the BNP are the only parties you may have heard of offering grammar schools in their manifestos.

Mixed ability teaching compels everyone to go at the pace of the slowest.

This rather explains why no British employer would hire a British school-leaver if they have the option of hiring a non-British employee untainted by a British state education.

Where is the sense of breeding a class of educationally inadequate youngsters and then refusing to do anything about it when the folly of doing so is pointed out?

I wonder if the Far Wrong have any explanations for this insane state of affairs.
20 September 2010  at 08:33

Academy and free schools - not subject to the Freedom of Information Act, are a big fat con, a distraction and another fine example of tinkering around at the edges.

The reason why the Tories won't tackle education properly is because they already know that:

1. 5 years is not long enough to sort the mess that is British education out.

2. they would get all the flak but none of the kudos

3. it would all be reversed at the next election

4. there is no one left in this country to give children a decent education and we would have to hire teachers from Singapore, Zimbabwe etc where they still teach properly and hire armed guards to guarantee their safety

That is why, really, that I conclude that a one-party state is really the only way forward to arrest the apparently irreversible decline facing this country before the British are reduced to resorting to piracy and prostitution as a national occupation.

If John Humphrys does not mention

1. the sheer numbers of singly-mothered children with behavioural problems spoiling it for others,

2. the ideological constraints the liberal teaching profession against anything to do with imposing discipline,

3. the skill at which the female-dominated teaching profession covers up the failure of its policies using opaque and subjective grading criteria resulting in the dilution of academic standards,

because of the predictable ideological constraints of the BBC against questioning feminism leading to female promiscuity leading to single motherhood, then we will know, won't we?

20 September 2010 at 08:44 

Did anyone see UNEQUAL OPPORTUNITIES last night?

If so, did they notice how it just regurgitated all the problems without proposing a solution, apart from... the one about abolishing all private schools, an idea mooted by a comp-educated schoolgirl in Kirby?

John Humphrys said nothing about

- the quality of teacher training
- the inability to teach the 3 Rs
- the mirage of choice
- the female-dominated teaching profession that is so harmful to boys

If you could only shop at Harrods and could afford to do so every day, would you choose to shop at Morrison's???

A complete and utter waste of time and one-hour.

Yes, abolishing all private schools *is* the only way forward. But wouldn't that require a revolution, though?

So why can't we have school-leavers with just a handful of O levels getting a job at the local newspaper, the way John Humphrys did?

Because they are taught useless rubbish for too many years, and no one in the liberal establishment has the wit or courage to point this out, because that would offend

1. the feminists
2. the female-dominated teaching establishment who so cleverly disguise the failure of their policies with opaque and incomprehensible grading criteria
3. the single mothers who send their unsocialised children to schools to spoil it for others
4. the working mums who want it all and consequently have no time to teach their children any manners
5. the single mothers who bring up their children fatherlessly, and who turn their sons into emasculated men or allow them to become feral youth
6. the single mothers whose daughters notice the queue of unsuitable lovers outside their mother's bedroom and think "what's good enough for my mum is good enough for me", perpetuating a vicious cycle. I suppose it is pretty obvious why he does not want want to offend the Mumsnetters, who represent the matriarchy that all men must consult and genuflect to.  Mumsnet represents a goodly proportion of single and working mothers who are, because they happen to be middle class, are in effect beyond criticism, however fatuous the views they express.

If you want to know what's wrong with parenthood, children and women in Britain, look no further than Mumsnet! 

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