
Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Why the Eurosceptic parties are useless cunts and a fucking waste of space

Because they, ie UKIP, BNP, English Democrats, SWP, think they can by themselves alone persuade the LibLabCon to give us a referendum on the EU as they divide and dilute the Eurosceptic vote General Election after General Election after General Election.  

Now, why the fuck would they think that? 

The rate they are going, the LibLabCon will have withdrawn from the EU and say they thought of it and did  it first by the time the Eurosceptic parties get their act together to do anything that would actually work. 

That is how shit the Eurosceptic parties are.

Of course, a merger of the Eurosceptic parties (either temporary or permanent) on just this one issue would be the sensible way forward.  All they have to do is say:

"Forget all the other stuff we disagree about, just remember if we don't get out of the EU nothing happens anyway and this shit will just continue till we are all dead."

Not exactly rocket science, is it?  But it is in this country for some reason.  Must be all the dumbed-down education the British keep "learning".

Perhaps what all the Eurosceptic parties want to do is become MEPs and have the EU as their paymasters who would pay them better than if they became mere MPs at Westminster.  If that is the case then we are all being conned, even by the people who keep telling us that we are being conned.

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