
Thursday, 28 October 2010

"The Kids are Alright" (being brought up by two lesbians)

The actress Julianne Moore is in the UK this week promoting her new movie 'The Kids are Alright', a comedy-drama centres on a lesbian couple who each gave birth to a child using the same anonymous sperm donor. Evan Davis asked her whether she thought the film normalises the concept of lesbian mothers.

Julianne Moore in a movie about two lesbian mothers and saying that this excremental filth is a good and right way of bringing up children.

Thank you so much, BBC, for mentioning it so approvingly.

Perhaps the BBC should consider trying to raise standards of morality occasionally. That would be such a nice change.

Predictably, the two children brought up by their lesbian mothers (called "Joni" and "Laser" - no doubt these names will become very popular with lame-brain Brits who love anything American, particularly if it is excrementally stupid and bad for you) are female and surprisingly well-adjusted. One is about to leave home for university, and the other is, surprisingly, still not yet a single mum, like JUNO.

Perhaps a horror movie on how a boy brought up by two lesbian mothers and who turns psycho because there were no decent male role models for him to emulate will be made and become famous in the genre of film very noire.

Just like in KILL BILL which glamorised violence against men, this young man will go around glamorously committing violence against lesbians because he feels that the lesbians closest to him have ruined his life by depriving him of a father figure.

I propose that Quentin Tarantino direct this movie and then be invited to on Toady to tell us how wonderful, artistic, life-affirming and non-exploitative it is to be doing and portraying this sort of thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, what a mess.

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