I wonder if a male Muslim politician would have obeyed David Cameron's outrageous ban against her attending The Global Peace & Unity held at the ExCel Centre on 23-24 October.
If I had known I would have gone myself. Sounds like a right proper rave-up, with sound and light. Must have cost a bomb to organise, but we now see that the Muslims have this sort of money while the BNP and the Christians just wouldn't be able to get it together to organise a similar rave-up.
I like to think that a Muslim man in Sayeeda Warsi's position would have known to tell where David Cameron can shove his ban and and maybe even shove it up there himself, good and hard. As it is, being a girl, she meekly stayed home because she didn't want any trouble.
Being a mere woman, she is excused her cowardice and convictionlessnes. I do hope her Muslim brothers and sisters make a special point of giving her a piece of their mind in no uncertain terms.
If I were a Muslim I wouldn't have missed the rave-up for all the tea in China.

THE VOICE OF REASON Solon, (born c. 630 BCE—died c. 560 BCE), Athenian statesman, known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece (the others were Chilon of Sparta, Thales of Miletus, Bias of Priene, Cleobulus of Lindos, Pittacus of Mytilene, and Periander of Corinth). Solon ended exclusive aristocratic control of the government, substituted a system of control by the wealthy, and introduced a new and more humane law code. He was also a noted poet.
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I thought you were
Secular Koranism is too much like Koranism, who are treated like heretics by the orthodox Muslims.
I am after all an atheist saying that the Koran is a good enough guide, even for those who do not believe in God and reject any Hadith that contradicts the Koran.
There is even a website dedicated to attacking Koranists.
Is that like saying you believe in the nine commandments, ignoring number one?
It is sort of saying "Even Muslims don't follow all the Koranic commandments perfectly. That is why they are in such a mess. Have a think about the evil these Koranic commandments were designed to prevent, decide whether you want to avoid these evils, and follow them, or not, as you wish. Up to you, mate."
I don't follow any commandments, Biblical or Koranical. What I do is try and work out which a God would consider right if God was of a goodly nature. Maybe that creates a God in the image I would choose, I don't know. All I am sure of is that Churches, Mosques, Temples, are a way of controlling people for the benefit of a few.
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