
Sunday, 10 October 2010

"Responsibility for this tragic outcome rests squarely with the hostage takers"

I do hope the latest death of yet another female do-gooding bleeding-heart will discourage more do-gooding bleeding-hearts from going there.  Clearly, the late Miss Norgrove had nothing better to do with her life than minister to those who were clearly outraged by the audacity of her ministrations, and so paid with her life.  The Afghans want us to fuck off out of their country.  How many more Britons must they kill before the penny finally drops? 

Foreign Secretary William "Don't Call Me Gay" Hague said:

"Responsibility for this tragic outcome rests squarely with the hostage takers."

But you would say that, wouldn't you, because you and your stupid stinking fuck of a party voted for the war.

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