
Saturday, 30 October 2010

Volunteers could earn 'care credits' for helping others

The only way to avoid a lonely old age or being sent to an old folks home to die there largely unvisited and ignored, to be looked after by possibly abusive and indifferent carers, is to have legitimate offspring who have legitimate offspring who are able and willing to support you in your dotage. 

Why the fuck is care in old age a right and not a reward if you have no family and have no money?

That is all part of our Culture of Entitlement, innit.  

Getting credits for helping the elderly is going to be another big fat con.

Do it only if you want to help, not for reward, or be prepared to deal with any feelings of disappointment, bitterness and betrayal when Old Mother Hubbard tells you the cupboard is bare. 

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Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

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