
Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Asghar Bukhari of MPAC defriends me for saying Muslims MUST and SHOULD continue to protest offensively against the war

Asghar Bukhari has defriended me on Facebook because I said that anti-war protests must necessarily be offensive to work and that Muslims Against Crusaders  were doing a good job really.  No pain, no gain and all that.  

I suggested that MAC would do better for themselves if they pretended they cared about white working class British soldiers being sent to Afghanistan to die for Israel, Bush, Blair, Brown and Cameron and all the warmongering MPs who voted to invade Iraq and Afghanistan.  Instead of the MAC calling British soldiers murderers, rapists etc who deserve to roast in hell, they should instead express their deep concern that these soldiers are dying for a lost and dishonorable cause which is in any case against the British National Interest and invite the BNP to join them in protesting against the war

It could be pointed out to the Wootton Bassetters by MAC in slightly more emollient tones that dying in a dishonorable and disgraceful unwinnable war is far far worse than converting to Islam in prison after having been court martialled for mutinying.. 

Asghar response was:

"Claire what are you on about? If you think that faking it is the best wat forward you have serious problems."
and then he defriended me without waiting for an answer. 

I just wonder what's so wrong about that though.

Understandably Muslims are nervous about being hated even more than they are already, but if the war carries on and the MAC carry on the way they have been doing, the hatred against Muslims would rage more ferociously anyway. 

It does seem that Roshanara Choudhry (is she any relation of Anjem's, I wonder?) has probably done us all a favour by stabbing Stephen Timms.  If more of them are stabbed, this would make it more likely for for MPs who voted for the war at

to express remorse, regret and recant, like Clare Short.

Once enough of them do - whether out of genuine remorse or because they fear for their lives - our boys will be home sooner with less loss of life.  Once the war ends, there will be no more Wootton Bassett coffin drive-bys for the MAC to attend in order to provoke the local populace, and Muslims will not be quite so hated. 

Will someone please tell me exactly what is wrong with this piece reasoning?

Sometimes you have to keep pushing at something until it gives.  Half measures are just a waste of time.


Claire Khaw said...

I am not of course suggesting for a moment that I or any of my Facebook friends would or should stab the unrepentantly warmongering MPs as a protest against the war.

We don't need to because the Radicalised Muslims will do this for us!!!

IF you have ever asked yourself the question: "Muslims! What are they for?!" you now have your answer.

So will everyone now stop hating Muslims so much and hate the war a bit more?

It is after all the war that is getting non-Muslim British soldiers killed and making us live in fear of terrorism.

It it is unquestioning support for Israel as expressed in US/UK/EU foreign policy that is making us a target for Radicalised Muslims.

All I am doing is saying to the MPs: "You have stirred up a hornets' nest. Kindly cease and desist for the good of the country you lead. If you refuse we will find a way of hurting your hand so that you do stop stirring, because the rest of us do not want to be stung."

Anonymous said...

Most white Brits don't hate muslims otherwise they'd be gone by now. However, burning poppies is offensive to the general public and will cause resentment and a possible backlash. Then all they argued for/against will be lost in the anger generated.

Claire Khaw said...

But don't most white people get it that wearing the poppy is in a way celebrating the war and commemorating those who died in it? If you are against the war you would be against any celebration or honoring of its participants. Don't white people get it that if you are against the war, you have to speak out against it?

But I think they are just doing their usual white liberal thing of willing the end but not the means, wishing to wound but afraid to strike, in their dishonorable and infantilised way. Perhaps they think Santa Claus is going to come and sort things out, or their politicians are. Stupid fucking idiot shit for brains Brits.

Or maybe they want Muslims to do what they are afraid to do themselves: have stab at the pro-war MPs.

Anonymous said...

Poppies were first used as a way to earn a few pounds by injured and poor ex-servicemen, selling them for Remembrance Day when the government didn't support them properly, much the same as now. It is not honouring war although we pay tribute to those who were sacrificed in it, not through their own choice.

Muslims are entitled to protest on any day they like but not at 11 o' clock on the 11th of November during the two minute silence.

That is disrespectful to all decent citizens of all races and religions who fought.

If you support that, you are in need of help.

Claire Khaw said...

If you cannot see why "Muslims Against Crusades" were doing their utmost to insult this particular British tradition, then you too may need help. The intention was of course to cause *maximum* offence because Remembrance Sunday *includes* the soldiers who died in Afghanistan.

Since I am against the war and find Remembrance Sunday dreary, depressing and really quite pointless - because it will not stop more wars and more lives from being sacrificed in stupid wars - I don't mind this seeing mawkish, unnecessary, sentimental ritual being disrupted.

Why are the British even more keen to remember their dead soldiers than to prevent the live ones from dying for Israel, Bush, Blair, Brown and Cameron?

If you hate the war you simply *cannot* praise the soldiers who fight that war.

Why can they not get their minds round this simple stark fact?

Quite clearly they hate Muslims more than they hate the war, while I already know I hate the war more than I hate Muslims.

Sentimentality rots your brain.

Anonymous said...

Getting the support of of Asghar Bukhari is badge of shame, not honour.

Anonymous said...

I do not hate soldiers or Muslims, I hate politicians. Maximum offence to decency and respect only causes real hatred to the Muslims themselves. The so called MAC are just a muslim counter EDL group who will do their cause no good. Soldiers are victims of deception in the same way as religious fanatics.

Claire Khaw said...

So we are all victims of politicians. Well, at least the Radical Muslims are in the process of stabbing the ones who voted for the war since the rest of are too scared to do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

Not scared, just don't see the advantage of spending the rest of my life in prison.

Claire Khaw said...

*I* am not asking *you* to do it, am I? *Allah* is asking *them* to do it , apparently. Nothing to do with *you* and *me*, mate .....

Anonymous said...

"for the war since the rest of are too scared to do anything about it."

You don't say who.

Claire Khaw said...

I am saying *I'm* too scared to stab a warmongering MP even though I hate the war and know they wouldn't be missed. Bet there are lots of others who are scared like me too.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want the vile green slime that would ooze from their hideous torsos on my hands.

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