
Monday, 22 November 2010

My attempts to give the Libertarians a few big ideas to further the cause not received well by ingrates and incompetent amateurs is the Libertarian Alliance blog whose Director Sean Gabb would not give me the £1000 prize for my brilliant essay in 2007 about how to move from big government to rationally small government. 

I seem to have upset Anna Raccoon at who thinks I am in no position to criticise the Libertarian Party's totalitarian and fascist rule that you cannot join it if you are a member of another party.  Indeed, it expelled Matt Davies - one of the more courageous Libertarians I know, just for supporting UKIP. 

This is my suggestion to them which is currently awaiting moderation:

A small unknown and unregarded party with high entry requirements seems to me to be a peculiarly self-destructive formula. Pride is after all a deadly sin.

There is a history of incompetent amateurism in the Libertarian Party and I am only trying to help.
If I were to become a member of the Libertarian Party after the appropriate changes in the constitution allow me and others to join your party, then I could be more of a help.
The yawn factor of yet another hopeless small party would be greatly reduced if I were to join or indeed if I were myself to lead it, as I do after all have ideology in truckloads, already prepared earlier.
A charismatic, media-savvy leader with an eye for the soundbite backed up with my legal training would attract a great deal of publicity, particularly with my BNP connections.

If reported it would give both the BNP and the Libertarian Party the oxygen of publicity and air the vexed subject of party democracy.
Anna Raccoon did however display this:

I believe the quickest way to rationally small government is through a narrower taxpayer-only franchise operating under a direct democracy in a one-party state with a party constitution that protects the rights of its members against the leader and his cronies.

The West derived its democratic traditions from Ancient Athens and Republican Rome which did not have parties, only shifting factions.

Party democracy is therefore crucial to the quality of democracy we have, but no one – not even MPs it seems – get this.

Peter Bone’s House of Commons Disqualification Bill (second reading 10 December 2010) will regrettably not get the support it needs. explains why it matters so much.

I suppose I shouldn't be so didactic, because people don't like to be told.  But then what is the point of not explaining things in the clearest possible terms when Libertarians are being so incompetent and amateurish, and give libertarianism such a bad name?

I would gladly give way to anyone who can do what I do better, but as far as I know, no one does it better.  I suppose it was a bit cheeky of me to suggest that I would be a better leader than Andrew Withers, just because

  1. I already have a certain notoriety
  2. I can write reasonably grammatical and clear English (unlike Andrew Withers)
  3. I have been legally trained
  4. I have a history of creative political activism, eg Jury Team, joining the BNP to stand up for the rights of white working class people to complain about immigration and being one of the first to point out that all anti-discrimination legislation is THOUGHTCRIME
  5. I have a bit of a following on Twitter and Facebook
  6. I am responsible for
  7. it has been said by my Facebook friends, detractors and supporters that I am "dangerous" and "scary"
  8. I am a bit of a political anorak with some knowledge of theology, history, philosophy, current affairs and finance 
  9. have Facebook friends who span the entire political spectrum
  10. I am in the process of building up a personality cult
  11. I just know I would be good on TV

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