
Sunday, 19 December 2010

BBC: The Freedom Association is a 'slightly posher version of the BNP'

So what if  it is?

The BNP is the other half of the Eurosceptic movement.

But perhaps those spineless, stupid, feeble-minded, feeble-spirited Eurosceptics who enjoy their occupational therapy of weakly whingeing but who keep voting for a Conservative Party run by a Commie Pinko think they are doing so well they don't need anyone else to join them.

If that is the case then clearly the Eurosceptic movement is dead in the water but just doesn't know it yet.  

The TFA should be proud of its association with Britain's bravest political party who will not run and hide under their beds whenever some smug stinking hypocritical liberal whispers "racist" in their ear, unlike the lily-livered Tories and UKIP.

Let us face the fact that middle class activists are almost without exception feeble of spirit and feeble of mind.

The TFA and UKIP are mainly made up of the elderly while the BNP membership remains youthful and energetic, and are not too stuck up to do the bread and butter work of political activism, ie leafleting.

The strength of the British proletariat to fight the disgusting and evil LibLabCon is required when so many members of the bourgeoisie are are so easily contemptibly easily to intimidate.

The strength of the BNP lies in the fact that the typical member has already crossed the Rubicon of refusing to shut up even when they are intimidated socially and politically for speaking what they believe to be the truth.

No other party has this quality of courage and determination.

What good are these so-called libertarians and UKIP for when they don't even recognise totalitarian thoughtcrime legislation even after it has repeatedly kicked them in the head?  I am of course referring to all anti-discrimination legislation passed by the liberal establishment over the decades the most recent of which is the Equality Act. 

Is it because they are stupid or because they are scared?

How typical of the easily-frightened middle classes to start talking about "BNP scum" the moment they are accused of having similar policies.

Pathetic, dishonorable and contemptible.

The truth is that the white middle classes hate the BNP much much more than the BNP are said to hate non-whites.

It would appear that those who like to think of themselves as Traditional Conservatives are more than prepared to let their nation die of the class divisions they are so apparently proud to live under.

The spinelessness, snobbery and stupidity of British men who wish to fight the LibLabCon has to be experienced to be believed.

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