
Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Should the BNP demand an apology for being called Nazis by the TFA?

I would have thought that that was defamatory and cannot in fact be justified.  

There is no indication anywhere in its manifesto that the BNP wishes to

1.  expel the Jews

2.  exterminate the Jews

3.  achieve union with Austria

4.  invade the Czech Republic

5.  invade Slovakia

6.  invade Poland

7.  invade all the English-speaking countries of the world 

As for the undoubted xenophobia of some of its members and dislike of other races, I would like to have it officially proclaimed that British citizens are now legally forbidden from expressing dislike of foreigners and other races and offending foreigners and other races. 

You would have thought that an outfit called The Freedom Association would be pleased to be defending the free speech and free association of others, but not a bit of it, it seems. 

The TFA is really a Eurosceptic organisaton that appears to think it is doing so well it can dismiss the other half of the Eurosceptic movement, ie the BNP. 

If the Eurosceptic  movement has not been terribly successful, the reason is the hesitant timorousness of its activists as well as its back-stabbing snobbery of those who do not come from the same class and live in the same leafy suburbs as they. 

It seems that the overwhelming majority of the Eurosceptic movement are quite determined to be ruled by their class divisions and remain a vassal state of the EU.  Sad, but true. 

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