
Thursday, 30 December 2010

Why I joined the BNP - Part II

I keep being asked this question. I refer the questioner to the answer I have already given at

Frankly, being a non-white, I am as much an alien to the upper classes of white people as I am to the middle classes of white people.  The white urban proletariat are no more and no less my people than the white people of other classes and the brown and yellow people of various classes, religions and political affiliations.

I like to think I am a citizen of the world anyway and that any sensible person would want the best for the country he or she is living in permanently.  

I will say this though: I know I would be a member of the BNP if I were white and born in this country ought of sheer bloody mindedness.  How dare the liberal establishment tell me I cannot complain about immigration without immediately turning myself into an evil extremist Nazi Fascist Racist bigot?  So fuck them.  Joining the BNP is the most effective way to tell them where and how and how hard to go fuck themselves.

You could always join UKIP of course, but the message would not be quite so forceful.  That is because they run for cover and hide under their beds the moment a liberal starts to say the word "rrrrrrrr acist" ... 

That does tend to limit their scope for action.  The fact that UKIP have a policy of barring anyone who is ex-BNP from joining them is another example of their bourgeois cowardice and hypocrisy, but if you are scared of being called racist, off you go to UKIP - the other half of the Eurosceptic movement.  Join them if you are socially insecure and are afraid of being called racist.  If you are even more frit then you stay with the same crap LibLabCon party that you are now with.

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