
Friday, 11 March 2011

Why representative democracy is mad and silly and must be RADICALLY reformed

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to selfishness;
From selfishness to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."

Which state of the cycle are we at now, boys and girls?

Why are we apathetic and dependent?  Because we are now governed by a morbidly over-feminised government and politicians who have hypocrisy, cowardice and lies oozing out of their every orifice.

They think it is clever to be cowardly and they are cowardly because they know they have messed things up so much that there are more people now in this country who are dependent and unproductive than there are who are independent and productive.

That is why they keep inviting more immigrants in to do the work because the working classes are no longer fit for purpose.  The working classes are no longer fit for purpose because the quality of their education is so atrocious and the the values they have been made to absorb so toxic.

Why do they not fix the education system?

They do not even try because a single five year term is not enough to sort out the mess that is the international scandal of British "education".

Who are most of these dependent and unproductive parasites?

Why, they are women, slut, slag and slapper single mothers who do not wish to work, who are bad mothers, bad employees whom no one employer in his right mind would want to hire and who breed bastards whom no one wants to hire either.

Why are politicians afraid of challenging them?

Because even the Conservative Party is now single-mum friendly.  Indeed, it has been single-mum friendly since in 2002 when Theresa May made her infamous announcement that the Tory Party would no longer be the nasty party.

Now, every other baby born in Britain is born out of wedlock.  There are too many of them with the vote now, and Cunt Cameron and his Cunservatives dare not offend them.

Imagine, the alpha male of a nation - the Prime Minister no less - afraid of offending promiscuous females who are single mothers, bad parents and bad employees, if they work at all.

If we lived under a dictatorship one would understand a fear of the Secret Police etc, but David Cameron and his cunts of convictionless Conservatism are afraid of the weakest, stupidest, worst sort of people: the sluts, slags and slappers of Paedo Bastard Britain Slutland who are even now merrily multiplying at taxpayers' expense.

It is beggars belief that Cameron and other Western leaders appear to think that they have the moral authority to lead the rest of the world and tell them what to do about Libya.  Would the rest of the world really wish to listen to a collection of paupers, degenerates, lepers and paedophiles telling them what to do while masturbating and sucking their thumb for comfort?

You would have thought Brazil, Russia, India and China would be thinking to themselves: "Surely now is the time to kick the West in the place where its goolies are supposed to be, and kick HARD?"  or just tell them "enough is enough."

Yet they do not. What are they waiting for?

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.  


Anonymous said...

So true.

The British used to boast that their country hadn't been invaded in hundreds of years but they no longer do so. Under democracy Britain would be incapable and unwilling to defend itself against any power which sought to invade; its politicians would immediately capitulate and collaborate and its soldiers would run away in total cowardice - isn't that in effect what they do now?

If we hold to the cyclic view of history perhaps barbarians will slay the current degenerate rulers, rape their women, destroy their society and erase its values, from which a new culture and civilisation will then be born?

Anonymous said...

The anglosaxon culture is decadent- so the british got what they asked for!!! This "sluts" and other misfits You are naming here will push England into chaos- what fits the rich fianncial oligarchs very well! They even for this fall created the british National Party to make order!! This is typical- big owners protected by a fascist party- they have no other tool to rule the poeple working on them- so they hire a fascist and Chauvinist party as it happened in the THIRD NAZI REICH- its a renaissance of NAZI political thinking and fascism- in capitalism nothing new!!!

Anonymous said...

The anglosaxon culture is decadent- so the british got what they asked for!!! This "sluts" and other misfits You are naming here will push England into chaos- what fits the rich fianncial oligarchs very well! They even for this fall created the british National Party to make order!! This is typical- big owners protected by a fascist party- they have no other tool to rule the poeple working on them- so they hire a fascist and Chauvinist party as it happened in the THIRD NAZI REICH- its a renaissance of NAZI political thinking and fascism- in capitalism nothing new!!!

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