
Wednesday, 6 July 2011

BNP leadership contest: some suggestions

Andrew Brons New article from the BNPideas site: Nick Griffin has been officially ordered by the British National Party’s..."

"@1party4all Claire Khaw @andrewbronsmep But surely you should both be able to tweet as you are campaigning for leadership? Seems fair enough to me. @nickgriffinmep"

"@1party4all Claire Khaw @andrewbronsmep and @nickgriffinmep already had twitter accounts before the leadership contest. Parity of firepower, so not a problem."

"@1party4all Claire Khaw @andrewbronsmep @nickgriffinmep Leadership contest would be more interesting if it were more ideological."

"@1party4all Claire Khaw @andrewbronsmep @nickgriffinmep If 1 of u could support an ethnic mayoral candidate and the other b against then things could hot up nicely"

"@1party4all Claire Khaw @andrewbronsmep @nickgriffinmep One of you could be for challenging feminism as BNP policy and the other not."

"@1party4all Claire Khaw @andrewbronsmep @nickgriffinmep One of you could be for legalising brothel-keeping and the other not."

"@1party4all Claire Khaw @andrewbronsmep @nickgriffinmep One of you could be for reintroducing fault into divorce and stigmatising unwed mothers and the other not."

"@1party4all Claire Khaw @andrewbronsmep @nickgriffinmep One of you could be for lowering taxes and pruning the welfare state, and the other not."

"@1party4all Claire Khaw @andrewbronsmep @nickgriffinmep One of you could be for civic nationalism and the other not."

The election rules specifically state on page 1, under the heading Election Material, paragraph 6:

”Canvassing for votes by a candidate for election under this section whether in person or by letter, circular, email, social networking or any other means or on behalf of a candidate for election by letter, circular, email, social networking or any other means outside of the means laid down in this Section shall constitute a disciplinary offence.”

As I too have been reported to the disciplinary committee for voicing a personal opinion which has allegedly brought the party into disrepute, it seems I am in very good company indeed. 

It could certainly be argued that Andrew Brons is also guilty of the same disciplinary offence as the Chairman by tweeting to the effect that the Chairman himself is guilty of a disciplinary offence. 

Will there be a queue of naughty BNP people (senior, middle-ranking and junior) outside the doors of the Disciplinary Committee awaiting punishment?

The plot thickens.



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This is the most powerful religio-political movement for more than 3500 years, possibly.


Claire Khaw said...

No idea what you stand for or what you want to do, I am afraid.

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