
Monday, 16 January 2012

How to solve the problem of Israel

There are Religious Jews and there are Secular Jews. To me the properly religious Jews are the Neturei Karta whom the Secular Jews denigrate and despise, because they really truly believe in God, want to obey His laws and do not want an Israel based on a FRAUD. Secular Jews are people like Karl Marx - clever atheists who conscript gullible gentiles to fight their ideological wars that go against the principles of Judaism, eg Communism, Feminism, Liberalism. Remember that Israel is a Secular State, which means it is really just a COLONY of the West surrounded by a sea of angry Arab nations. The only kind of Israel that would work is a THEOCRATIC Israel, and this is what most Jews, who are really SECULAR JEWS, do not want.

But if all the Secular Jews left Israel, then there would be enough land to share with the displaced Palestinian Arabs.

Since a Jewish theocracy would actually be very oppressive indeed (see it is suggested that an Islamic theocracy would be more humane and liberal, especially if it is created in the Secular Koranist Clairiphate form that I am recommending.

Then would Arab affront be appeased and there would be peace in the Middle East, for they would be flattered to have their religion adopted, and there will be peace in all of Israel.   My way is the only way to fulfil the prophecies of the three Abrahamic faiths.

"And thereafter We [Allah] said to the Children of Israel: 'Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd.'" [Qur'an 17:104]

The last warning had not been given at the time the verse was revealed.  So it is some time in the future.   The future is now.  The verse simply means "Only when Jews accept laws based on the Koran will Jew, Christian and Muslim live together in Israel peaceably in a mingled crowd."

I know Jews will not hail me as their messiah and Muslims question my interpretation because I am not Muslim, but this MUST be really what it means, is it not?  What else can it mean?  Jews and Christians can only be safe in a Muslim monotheist theocracy that clearly and repeatedly acknowledges its debt to the two previous versions of monotheism.

David Rosser-Owen of the Association of British Muslims said on 8th January 2013 at

the Jews themselves consider their two previous experiences of living under Islamic Caliphates (Spain and the Ottomans) as their "golden ages".

Living in an Islamic state would make Jews better Jews and Christians better Christians.

Judaism = Thesis

Christianity = Antithesis

Islam = Synethesis


Very simply, it is Rule by Rabbi.  Get them to choose a Lord Chief Rabbi of Israel and he will reign over Israel according to Jewish law necessitating the return of the penalties mentioned at

After most of the Jews have fled in horror, it will be suggested that a Clairiphate under Secular Koranism would be more the thing.

When it is implemented peace will break out all over Israel and the Middle East!

Can I have my Nobel Peace Prize sooner rather than later, please?


Neil Harris said...

Claire, I really don't know if you are stupid, hateful or delusional. As I don't know you let's assume the latter.

1st (practical) point - where would all the secular Israelis go?

2nd (ethical) point - surely those secular Jews born in Israel should have some say in the matter after all they didn't choose to be born there.

3rd (historical) point - you are forgetting that the State of Israel has more international legal justification than almost any other state - check the United Nations vote of 29 November 1947.

4th (practical, ethical and historical point) - given the attitude of almost every Muslim state to its Jewish population why would Jews have any confidence in such a state as that you propose ?

5th (practical) point - what makes you think the Arab Israeli population would favour your solution?

6th (rational) point - please count the number of Muslim States in the World, then the number of Christian States, then the number of Jewish states - is it really so much to bear for the world that the Jews might have one sliver of land?

7th (informative) point - if you do not understand that between Neturei Karte and totally secular Jews there is a very broad spectrum with the vast majority of Jews quite a way from those extremes then you lack even a modicum of the necessary knowledge to put forward a solution that has any credibility whatsoever.

Claire Khaw said...

It is always pleasing when someone has actually read what you were trying to say and raises points that show he has understood what you said enough to ask further questions!

1st (practical) point - where would all the secular Israelis go?

Back to where they came from, or they could stay if they want. A Secular Jew is a contradiction in terms, in my view, since the Old Testament declares that Jews who break the Sabbath should be stoned to death. According to Judaiasm, non-observant Jews do not officially exist or must be executed forthwith. Such Jews should either convert to another religion or formally renounce Judaism. If they are no longer Jews, then they should leave Israel pronto and make way for Observant Jews only since ONLY THEY DESERVE TO LIVE IN THE HOLY LAND.

If it were up to me, I would only allow ORTHODOX JEWS to live in Israel and kick out all those Liberal and Reform Jews who are no better than the Jewish equivalent of the Anglican Church.

2nd (ethical) point - surely those secular Jews born in Israel should have some say in the matter after all they didn't choose to be born there.

Land is scarce and it must somehow be prioritised, especially a piece of land being claimed by all three Abrahamic faiths.

3rd (historical) point - you are forgetting that the State of Israel has more international legal justification than almost any other state - check the United Nations vote of 29 November 1947.

I am afraid most people think the UN is US and Israel -controlled and most people already know that there are more Jews in the US than in Israel itself.

4th (practical, ethical and historical point) - given the attitude of almost every Muslim state to its Jewish population why would Jews have any confidence in such a state as that you propose ?

Secular Koranism is a LEGAL SYSTEM and could be run by the existing Israeli judiciary as currently constituted.

5th (practical) point - what makes you think the Arab Israeli population would favour your solution?

The Arabs would be gratified that a legal system is based on their Holy Book and Jews will find nothing in the Koran that is harsher than the Torah.

6th (rational) point - please count the number of Muslim States in the World, then the number of Christian States, then the number of Jewish states - is it really so much to bear for the world that the Jews might have one sliver of land?

Jews are perceived to control US foreign policy and the banks so to claim that Jews are landless poor huddled masses will not convince very many, I am afraid.

7th (informative) point - if you do not understand that between Neturei Karte and totally secular Jews there is a very broad spectrum with the vast majority of Jews quite a way from those extremes then you lack even a modicum of the necessary knowledge to put forward a solution that has any credibility whatsoever.

I am really saying adherents of all 3 Abrahamic faiths should at least be able to agree that Israel should be a theocracy and if so Secular Koranismr must be the answer.

If Islam is "Judaism Lite" then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".

Baruch Solomon said...

Claire, one small flaw with your masterplan. Where are the millions of secular (and religious} Zionists supposed to go after you''ve booted them out of Israel? Maybe you know of a secular Qur'anic Caliphate that will welcome them with open arms. Personally, I've no objection to a few bad mannered refugees but we've quite enough salespeople in this country already thank you very much.

Claire Khaw said...

I think the Holy Land should be reserved only for the most pious adherents of Judaism, Christianity and Islam because it is my intention that Israel should be used to showcase the first 21st century theocracy. It would be silly to allow this social and political experiment to be ruined by bad hats and irreligious people who don't really deserve to live in the Holy Land.

I suggest that irreligious and atheist countries sympathetic to their plight take them in.

What is Claire Khaw's position on the Noahide laws?

Claire Khaw, a British blogger and YouTuber known for promoting her ideology called "Secular Koranism," has expressed a complex st...