
Monday, 20 February 2012

Slavoj Zizek is a philosopher of the RIGHT pretending to be a Marxist


The idea that all the best Marxist analyses have traditionally been analyses of failure appears in an interview with Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek given in 2008. In this interview, Zizek was asked about the events in Czechoslovakia in 1968, when a period of reform, aimed at decentralising and democratising the country, was brutally brought to an end by the Soviet Union and its allies. 

Zizeks' claim is that the crushing of the reforms became the very thing that later sustained a myth held by the political left - namely that, had the reforms gone ahead, some kind of social and political paradise would have followed. According to Zizek, those on the political left are prone to dwelling on their failures, because doing so allows myths to be generated about what would happened if they had succeeded. Zizek says that these failures allow those on the left to maintain a "safe moralistic position", because their failures mean that they are never seen in power, or truly tested by action. He describes this stance as the "comfortable position of resistance", which allows an avoidance of the real issues - such as re-evaluating the nature of political revolution. For Zizek, a dedicated Marxist [sic], serious questions about the nature of political power are obscured by endlessly trying to justify utopia's elusiveness.


How else can he speak the Truth and make me love him if he is just a ponce of a Left Liberal Wank Piss Marxist Philosopher?

I have exposed this man for fooling the fools who will unquestioningly accept that black is white if that is what the label says.

I do hope his employment prospects have not suffered as a result of this revelation.   I would be happy to give this man shelter from the storm and offer him my bosom for him to rest his head on.  

1 comment:

libslayer said...

Zizek is not of the right but he is exposing the both the delusions of the left and their machinations. Take the POS in the White House. He never governs i.e. check his official schedule and the 118 rounds of golf he's played since becoming president. He engages in a constant demagoguery with an endless campaign. Never takes responsibility for his policies and distances himself from most of them. He is "down for the struggle" and acts like he's an outsider and not the leader of his party and the government.
Your quote, "Zizek says that these failures allow those on the left to maintain a "safe moralistic position", because their failures mean that they are never seen in power, or truly tested by action. He describes this stance as the "comfortable position of resistance", which allows an avoidance of the real issues - such as re-evaluating the nature of political revolution." is perfect for illustrating Obama's Marxist/Alinskyite tactics of perpetual victimization and to escape responsibility for the outcome of his and the left's destructive policies in perpetuity.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...