
Friday, 4 May 2012


2012 has not exactly been an ordinary election year, the campaign was started for me by a surprise raid by an armed-police unit headed by Bradford CID on my house on a “Firearms Search Warrant”. This escalated to a CID investigation acting upon spurious allegations of electoral fraud, to a Sunday Star expose of me with a rifle and swastika and culminating in an unholy row over the National Front, jealous bitching about me associating with Andrew Brons MEP and the DN Party. It ended my expulsion from the British People's Party mid-campaign on account of my permitting non-indigenous civic nationalist blogger Claire Khaw to cover my election campaign.  (Her reasons for posing with me in that way are explained at )

THAT photograph with THAT flag with THAT woman in THAT T-shirt

This led, amongst other things to the NF Deputy Chairman Kevin Bryan saying I will get my “worst vote ever”. Particularly pathetic was local NF candidate Chris Jackson's (easily recognisable) spoilt ballot appearing saying “Juden Raus” turning up at adjudication. The same Kevin Bryan who has announced on Stormfront that the NF would be running Jackson against me in two years time in my home ward.

David Jones and Chris Jackson in 2010



1999 - Chris Jackson (BNP) 78 votes
2000 - Chris Jackson (BNP) 86 votes
2006 - Chris Jackson (BNP) 647 votes

(This is the year I started campaigning door to door for the BNP, and got them noticed on my side of town. Also this was the only year when there was no Conservative candidate, plus the BNP vote was at its peak during these years)

2007 - Chris Jackson (BNP) 424 votes
2008 - Chris Jackson (BNP) 408 votes

(2009 was the high point of the BNP with them winning seats in the European Parliament, shortly afterwards large numbers of BNP members defected to other parties, Jackson joined the NF)

2010 - David Jones (BPP) 283 votes (4.9%)
2011 - David Jones (BPP) 203 votes (5.5%)

(2011 also saw the BPP & the NF co-operate in the Todmorden Town Council elections, at my insistence, in the Stansfield Ward [where three seats were up] I got 152 votes & Jackson got 108 votes)

2012 - David Jones (BPP) 257 votes

Lab 35.36%
Lib-Dems 28.83%
Con 19.23%
BPP 8.46%
Green 8.11%



In Todmorden I am back on my own again, but ready for a fight, be it with the National Front, the BPP, the Labour Party or anybody else who acts not in the nations interest, or their communities interest but in the interests of their own egos and identities.

One good piece of news is we saw Cooper, a loathsome ‘progressive tory’ thrown off the council, just one of the new breed of conservatives who talks the language of the liberal and thinks like one. Let the BPP and the NF gang up on me if they like. I will continue to stand up for my principles and not theirs.

Does it sound like vitriol against the NF to you? Well I’m not the only one that has a problem with the NF, the NF are hated by other nationalists for exactly the same reason that Manchester United is hated by Liverpool fans or Manchester City fans. Because they act like the cock of the walk without actually having proved anything. Well I’ve proved to the NF that Dave Jones’ political career is not dead.

The future of nationalism is not to be trusted in the hands of ageing hobbyists who care more about taking their policies to their deathbeds with them and care not about actually trying to win. If you aren’t trying to win then you are just playing games.

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