
Friday, 26 October 2012

CLOSE BUT NO CIGAR by David Jones on the Todmorden councillor elections

"The election result for my by election in Todmorden Central campaign was:

Jones, David (Independent): 127 (25.5%)
Rez, Josef Arthur (Liberal Democrat): 361 (71.5%)

Rejected Papers: 15
Turnout: 503.(22.5%)

Neither the Labour Party, nor the Conservatives fielded candidates in this high-profile ward, and the Liberal Democrats weren’t expecting me to stand either.

Before Joe Rez and I began our respective campaigns I spoke to persuade him to not resort to personal attacks, which we both agreed the campaign should be kept to voters issues which I honoured. He talked about imposing speed-limits and opposed supermarkets, whilst my local issues revolved around the decline of morality and local unemployment.

Other than my being an Independent there were two differences to my campaign:

I wanted to include as wide a possible range of nationalists in my campaign, involving nationalists of all parties, shades and varieties. My campaign included nationalists from the groups both sides of the Pennines and farther afield. I would like to thank all who supported me.

I gave my campaign a twist, not only including the traditional bread and butter issues around immigration and unemployment but a strong moral plank centred around the decline of family values, partially to counter a very strong gay vote

The local Liberal Democrat party boss Michael Taylor had other ideas however, he and his daughter decided that the Liberal Democrats best chances were to attack me as a “far right extremist” over and over. He even involved his daughter in the campaign, which I retaliated with leaflets demanding to know why an MEP would feel the need to interfere in a local election.

Polling day was going extremely well until around eight o’clock. When carloads of Pakistani voters swamped the polling station (which is odd since most of them were, as I was told, were out of the country, and very few of them I recognised either—I must say). At both the Town Hall & St. Josephs School, in which I supervised the doors on each three times, for half an hour at a time, it was clear that I was the favourite for white voters.

Central Ward is one of five (Civil Parish) Wards that make up the District Ward of Todmorden Ward. My personal vote, since the last Town Council election, has risen to a majority in my home ward and I am targeting other areas where I feel there is potential to improve my vote.

I feel that, although I did not win, I have maintained my integrity, which (politics aside) my voters consider to be both my main quality and the qualities required of a politician. The Liberal Democrats have gained a seat, but lost one thing they will never get back, their honour.

Hopefully my participation and 25.5% will serve as a model for nationalists, despite political differences, to unite and keep fighting for what we know in our hearts to be true and right, maintain our honour and keep fighting. I would like to thank all those who placed their faith in me, and to anybody who wants to write me off as a failure, adios!"

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